JOURNAL: Dyne2057

  • Political Humour 2004-01-23 16:27:17 With everything going on in the world, I think that people can find humour in the fact that whenever an election comes around in the US, it generally tends to incite a lot of controversy, especially between people who have absolutely no idea what is going on.

    On another forum I recently posted on, I've read everything and anything from people who seem to think that the US President shouldn't be re-elected or should be ejected. But if you think about what he has done, and what he could do better, I think we're not all that bad off.

    What I find funny about these people is that despite the topic at hand, not a single one of them know what they're talking about, and seem to be speaking out of their rears. I think it's humourous, but the seriousness is, however, that not knowing what's going on means they don't actually read up on what they're going to talk about, and instead just "shoot-from-the-hip" so to speak, and end up sounding like a bunch of uneducated morons.

    I admit, I'm not totally learned upon what's really going on, but I do know enough to know that things aren't as bad as everyone thinks they are.

    Well, anyways, I'm just glad to be alive and to be able to have the opportunity to have fun with my life, and enjoy the good things in that life, those things being anime, music, and art. I think that without those things, life would be very, very dull. 
  • If It's Not One Thing... 2004-01-21 15:47:59 Ever have a problem, where no matter how hard you try to fix it, it just doesn't seem to work correctly anyways?

    Yeah, well, I had that problem not long ago today, in fact, about an ten minutes ago, with the "Top 10 Anime List" feature. Seems it doesn't like me, so it won't let me put in certain animes in my list, like FLCL, and a few others. So, I compromised, moved everything that was on my list up, and then added til I got to ten. Easier? Yes. Still not satisfied? Definately.

    I suppose for now, it will do, but I think I'll try it again tomorrow, because I really do want it the way I had intended it. 
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