atlas (Mike )
2002-02-09 13:58:11
Hey Hey, havent been here in a while, too busy with homework (yeah right). I dont know why I havent been here for so long, but I'm back now.
I guess the real reason is that I am now taking computer technology in school and hope I'll learn how to make videos....that and I love this stuff^_^!
2001-12-23 12:02:54
Well, I haven't written here in a bit, so I'll just jot down some things.
I asked Santa (^_-) for some anime dvd's (DBZ, princese mononke, galaxy express) and hopefully i'll get them. I know I got a dvd player (:( I should stop accidently finding the christmas stash) so that will be cool. So if I get those anime vids I should be working on AMV's!!!!!
I watched "Little Nicky" again last night, love that movie. I found a new appreciatin for chicago (^_-).
I'm working on a new rpg (using rpg maker 2000). It's going along real good, I'll update on it often.
2001-12-17 23:46:02
Yes indeed, more ideas swarming in the vast ocean called my head. Here are some more video ideas:
I dont know if this has been done yet but using the song "Crash and burn" by Savage Graden.
Another more concrete idea is using Sabrina Paris' song "Look at us" for the Dragonball series. This can look at the developing relationship of goku and chi-chi through their lives (first time they met, battles, children...)
I would also like to see something done by David Usher's "Black black heart." Love that song.
Thats it's for now ^_^!
2001-12-13 20:41:19
I'm sick!!!!!
On a brighter note I've decided to make a banner, unfortunately I cant find the material that i need. I'm looking for pics of Daft Punk's "one More Time" video. Anime, Music, Music Video, it's perfect. "It's time to celebrate!"
2001-12-01 14:12:35
Site changes again!!!!!
This is Gamerzone...again. This should be the last site change. Good for RPG2K and snes rpg roms. Visit often for things are still uploading.
And my new site:
This is mine, it also has RPG2K stuff and also anime vids that i dowloaded.
Now for some of you who do read this and make videos: DO ENRIQUE IGLEASIES' "HERO"!!!!!!
I know what you might think about this guy (I actually think the same way about him) but the song "hero" is really good and can be used for almost ANY ANIME!!
If I knew how to make vids and had the material I would jump on the chance to do this.
Until I think up new stuff, C YA ^_^!
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 01:42:40