Backlash (Zak Aryil)
2004-05-29 11:29:50
I recently found out that the banners here are made by members (I know what your thinking "This guy is a moron" and your right). I was wondering how I could submit one.
Different videos
2004-05-27 22:49:17
Well, I've scrapped a lot of my old ideas, such as my Sonic X AMV ideas (no one wanted to see that crap). I'm now making it my mission to make Evangelion the most used anime in AMV's. Who will join me in this crusade? ...ah, I see.
2004-04-23 16:02:58
Well, I've promised a bunch of AMV's, but I learned something. Don't promise to make an AMV of something before the DVD's even come out. I don't even have any money. I need a job. Who knew making AMV's cost so much money!
Current server time: Dec 27, 2024 23:30:00