JOURNAL: noreen (Noreen )

  • My AX02AMVContest woes... 2002-07-11 04:01:07

    I was sadded to hear that my Kenshin video of the fight between Saito and Kenshin set to some of the Gladiator music was not
    amongst the finalists... *sniff* this is the first time I've entered a big contest and not made finals. *cry in shame* Sadness...
    Oh well, after hearing the fiasco of the contest, I was surprised that my bitterness about not making finals had faded to
    sympathy for those creators, who just like me had spent hours making videos and then making finals only to have the contest
    run so shoddily. My heart goes out to those creators... I know your pain. Don't give up though, find a new con, or just hook
    up with some friends from this site and send videos back and forth for everyone to enjoy. Its supposed to be fun (apparently
    AX forgets that alot) so have fun, and don't let the jerks get ya down!

Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 13:13:54