JOURNAL: Sub0 (Ben )

  • It's begining to look alot like Christmas! 2007-09-16 22:41:51 Startin' to get friggen cold up here now. Kinda' strange, I mean it didn't snow until March last winter (meaning in winter... it didn't snow at all -_- as far as I remember), now it feels like it could snow any day now in September!

    Bah~~ I need one of those amv stress releiver things. ~Ooh! a pm ;p 
  • 2007-09-15 23:06:29 Rina's a.... deterrent from moving to NY??? 
  • 2007-09-15 18:15:20 Do you know the muffin man??? 
  • I've waited for this moment 2007-09-15 17:15:41 to put Kiki in the Ben SANDWICH ;p 
  • Summer Reaading (OK maybe it's more like fall... but) 2007-09-15 17:12:34 I like doing menial stuff like long bus rides or washing your clothes at the laundymat. It gives me some good 'me' time... no, not PRIVATE me time o.0 I don't want to get arrested, just time to read some magazines or listen to my mp3s over and over (how I get a billion off the wall amv ideas...).

    Anyway today I was reading the August issue of CGW, now Games for Windows (I don't know... I just get it free, have been for the passed 2.5 years! Even though I moved they still found me!! Kinda' scary really...) and they had an article called Your Brain on Games. Well in it had two seperate paragraphs that freaking changed my life! (not really, but at least confirmed my insanity...)

    The first one is really common sense, but it's something everybody should follow. They took two groups of people, first non-gamers and tested their vision by having them find this one 'T' amongst a forest of T's or something. Then they did the gamers. Unsurprisingly the gamers found the T MUCH quicker and MUCH more accurately. Now I was like -Duh!- that has nothing to do with vision, it's all your cognitive skills that are constantly tested in (action) games ;p they later confirmed that, I just love being right ^.^ But that's not it really, I like the part where they say 'It's not a sign of superior vision really, nothing about games can IMPROVE your vision. Games can only keep you sharp. If you have something physically wrong with your vision than you can't be helped here.' See, my thing is, I'm blind as a bat.... blinder really cuz I don't even have functioning senses lol but. I've found you can make up for that simply by STAYING attentive, even when it makes no sense to ;p.

    Lesson 1: BE ALERT! ALWAYS

    The other paragraph they said one mental institute took the game Duke Nukem 3D (any fps will do, I suppose) and just made an empty map, took all the enemys and buildings away so there's nothing there. They made it so every time you entered into a lot there, you had a picture flash acrossed the screen of what should be in that lot. They took two groups, this time one group of 'normal' people (how they define normal I have no clue >.<) and one group of clinically depressed ppl. They gave both groups a few days to become familiar with their surroundings than issued them a few weeks to find a handful of places. Out of these two groups of 3 dozen ppl each or so, the non-depressed ppl typically scored much higher than the depressed people! 1/3 higher, 2 to 3. <--- that's good news for me! Now I have an excuse for wondering aimlessly through empty THPS skate parks. ;p

    Lesson 2: THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR NOT BEING ALERT! -what's wrong with you???- 
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