Sub0 (Ben )
Harlock Saga (Queen Millenia and the type)
2007-09-12 16:36:51
The Harlock series is very operetic ie BORING, so don't be suprised that you get low scores for it! It takes a certain type of fan to like that stuff, and those types don't typically consider 4 minute animes -_-. A Harlock series amv with a low rating means you did it well lol anything else just wouldn't be faithfull to the design.
Happy Bday Shawnel!! ;p
2007-09-12 12:03:42
Heh, I can understand Bauzi's greif. NOBODY should give themselves 1 freeking month to comb through 15+ series'!! It's just not POSSIBLE!! Jesus, I don't know how long it's gonna take, but I will be BUSHED when all of this is done.
I equate the amount of effortneeded for this amv to loooong assed windblown amvs like Beo's Dead to the World or Bauzi's Deus Machina. But it would be easier if it was just long. I've done Long before (20 minute FF12 tutorial No, their's no sync, but you really have to keep in time, that's the tricky part... well you'd understand if you'd done an editorial before). I'm not putting those down, that took me a month of hard work, those amvs with multiple sources probably took MORE. But this one is short! 'Only' 5 minutes long! ... well anyway, beside the bitching... I just hope you watch it when it's ready ;p. Or better yet, put me on your My Alerts and you can see it as I'm working on it!!
It really shoulda' been done yesterday. This will be the video of mine that I can just stand back and say 'how the HELL did I do that???'. Actually I do that for most all of my videos but...
serious buisness
2007-09-11 23:27:03
Pdraggy: Skype now!
Wes: Skype? Why not just talk on aim? I'd have to reinstall Skype.
Pdraggy: Cuz Skype doesn't keep a record.
(later on Skype)
Me: So... what ya wanna talk about??
Wes:... nothing...
Me: EXACTLY what I wanted to talk about!!
"I probably won't be satisfied until I end up destroying something.."
Facebook yo... face???
2007-09-11 13:34:10
wait... how does that work...
2007-09-11 13:32:44
from a recent pm I sent,
wow I didn't notice the word modicum or whatever that is Dani -> Gina.... maybe I'll start calling them in their combined form, Gani!!! lmao! Dina? Yea, I like Dina -Dyna- better...
when referring to then I shall now use the name Dyna!! -_-
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:15:56