Fl1pS1de (Jonathan C)
2001-11-26 18:03:05
I've decided my next video (kinda), it'll be a song by Puddle of Mudd, to Samurai X. I might get the full version of Premiere tomorrow ^^
Got a redirection and url cloaking service
2001-11-25 21:37:56
I feel much safer now knowing that I can use instead of my IP address =)
I also got e-mail forwarding and unlimit subdomains in the same plan. Total price: Free ^___^
I fecked up
2001-11-20 19:35:15
My server went p00f! Ok ok, I messed up, not it. My video wasn't working but everything's A-OK now. Gomen!
First AMV uploaded
2001-11-20 15:17:27
Well I decided to use my own computer as a server for my AMVs, so go watch it! =P
First AMV finished
2001-11-17 22:57:13
11/17/2001: I finished "Project Bebop" today and registered here. Haven't uploaded the AMV yet because I have nowhere to put it.
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 22:01:19