JOURNAL: Rhyevaln (T.M. G.)

  • Aphorism? 2002-01-26 03:38:30 So little time, no god -like power with which to make more... 
  • Argh 2002-01-23 15:37:09 Ok heres the thing, I have 2 books to read(one over 1200 pages), a story to write, chainmail to make, AMV's to make, Anime to watch, Anime to buy, anime to look into, computers to upgrade and make work...

    ...and what am i doing?... Nothing. Absolutely -writing in my journal- Nothing.

    I must be one of the top ten procrastinators... lol, I am still doing nothing I want to do...

    ...nope...not yet...

    ...not yet either....

    ...still here....

  • Dang 2002-01-23 02:42:24 I really need to get a job.

    Job = $$$

    $$$ = Anime

    Anime = Fun

    Fun = Watching Anime

    Watching Anime = Ideas

    Ideas = Cool Anime Music Videos

    Cool Anime Music Videos = Feeling of Accomplishment

    Feeling of Accomplishment = No sad me

    No sad me = Happy me!

    Happy me! = Good

    Good = ...uh... sleep....

    Sleep = I stop this nonesense and go to bed

    I stop this nonesense and go to bed = *Press the Enter button*

    *Press the Enter button* = Done with this Journ- 
  • blah blah blah 2002-01-21 18:37:45 I have a stuffy nose and I am thinking about a new AMV idea. So hold your horses, I know my stuff is the greatest and that you will die soon if you don't get it.


    YOu know I am kidding. Anyways....*achoo* 
  • Jebus!! 2002-01-20 21:11:37 I have one complaint....
    I evah eno tnialpmoc....

    How can I nominate anything if 30% haven't premiered yet or currently don't have a DL link at all, 50% of them have a link that doesn't DL or goes to a non-existent web page?

    that leaves only 20% of the videos up for nomination by me, mainly because I have choosen to watch what I might nominate.

    So I guess I will just have to deal with it huh?

    (I think that the list would be a lot shorter if they only included Vids that had links that worked)

    Just my thoughts ^_^
    tsuJ ym sthguoht ^_^ 
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