JOURNAL: Rhyevaln (T.M. G.)

  • MERRY CHRISTMAS! 2001-12-20 20:01:12 Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

  • What is this? 2001-12-19 13:10:25 I have a few things that at least 80% of ll journal entries consist of:

    1. What AMV they are working on.
    2. When they will finish their AMV.
    3. If their web hosting is down or not.
    4. Their next new idea for an AMV
    5. What is going to happen in their new future.
    6. A rant of some sort trying to spark a cnotorversy or just plain give an opinion.

    This entry also fits into one or more of those catagories.

    School, regardless of what day it is, seems so... boring right now, especially compared to not benig at school and being productive at home on my own damned (I don't damn it, its godly... but it sets the mood that I am vexed) computer.

    Productive = Watching Anime, Making AMV's, Playing RCW and UO.


  • Damnit 2001-12-18 13:30:31 I am at school again!... And just think, I could be home working on my AMV at this VERY instant!

    Stupuid Government inforced schooling. But if you think about it, how many kids wouldn't go to school if they didn't have to?

    It seems everyone complains, including me, abuot being in school, yet whine about trying to get a job to pay for your car insurance because you want the $$ and the freedom your car provides. All of which is based on your knowledge and pink slip acquired at school.

    No school, no job, no money, no car! (or anything that precedes those!)

    But since I am still a kid, under 18 is a "kid", and I do attend school, I am entitled to complain all I want!

    Got to go get 3 assignments checked off, whoop-dee-doo... ("Whoop-dee-doo"was gushing with sarcasm if you didn't get it)

  • Almost DONE 2001-12-18 02:30:29 I was just going to do a little AMVing before bed. You know, just aquick little add here and there, and maybe a transition.

    I ended up spending over an Hour on it till 11:30 at night. Damn was I on a roll!

    Anyways, I am now glad to say that my AMV is 90% DONE!!!!! GO ME!!


    G'night! *THuuNK* ZzZzZzzZZzzzz

  • I don't know 2001-12-17 13:29:32 I am at school! Holy butt load of crap! That's exactly what I learn here.

    Anyways, I already know tons about computers, that and I had taken an R.O.P. Program for Computer Technology: Service and Repair, now after completing the course I am currently an Intern (not paid :[ ) at Intel Research Facility in Folsom. So being in a computer tutorial class in High school is nothing but a pain in my ass because its soo boring. Talk about repeditive, blasphemic teachings from a liberty restricing democratically and politically lead instructional class to mold everyone in the same "Well-rounded" way to produce an idiotic society based on purchasing mass produced product in an economy run by fat, cigar smoking businessman.

    Anyways, I failed to finish my AMV over the weekend. I went to San Francisco all day Saturday. Sunday I helped my mommy (yes, "my mommy") purchase a chistmas tree and get a few more ornaments (God knows we don't need anymore!)

    That and I guess I just haven't been in the mood. And it'd be useless to even try because I'd 'F' it up really bad.


    P.S. Never ever ever ever, try to get a sliver out of your eye with a needle and tweezers!

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