Rhyevaln (T.M. G.)
2002-02-20 15:53:58
2002-02-20 01:19:00
If you would be so kind as to leave a review for my vid. I promise out of the center of my heart (btw is not located in my ass like some people) that I will return the favor 2 fold! So that means. YOu review me. I reveiw you... and I review you again!(two vids for the price of ONE!)
Jebus I feel like an Ad. I will stop now. This will conclude my plea for reviews. (SEE: I am not even taking it to the forum!)
2002-02-19 18:54:08
I am going to be calm about this. Yes, I did premiere my first amv. Yes, you should go review it. Why? So I can be happy and keep coming here to review everyone elses. Stuff like that 0_o
Also if you want you can go to my website that I made... ALL by MY self...sorta. But I did 95% of the work! :P
Oh if you have created a AMV please take the poll I have on my website. The direct URL is:
Please be serious about it. This will yeild some interesting things about AMV creators.
2002-02-19 02:17:24
Hope is the one thing that did not escape from Pandora's box.
Thank God.
It seems so long ago, that I first watched Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode One for the first time. It has since consumed me. I am greatful. Not like other habits that evilishly comsume their lost hosts.
It has been over 4 years since I have started my grand journey through the minds of NGE and its followers such as yourself(selves). The farthest back this board can remember is just about a year ago. Although I distincly remember topics much earlier than that I had responded to. As I look back I think what a time I have had here. That and even farther back to when I was with another group of people on another board before my emmersion into the world of Anime. Back then is was just... well, I don't know what I was doing, bored I guess.
Akira was my first anime experience. Premiered on HBO for me about 6 years ago. It was even then, I was soo consumed in Akira I spent hours researching it on the web until I was satisfied with the answers to my questions. At that moment I felt like I was a part of something. A club even. I had information thay few knew. I could relate to a select few. I was unique. More unique than that of the average man. Ask anyone, it is a great feeling to be a part of soemthing.
A year or two passed before I say my next anime. Would you believe it? It was Evangelion. The two greatest anime(s) of their time. For me, my first and second. Evangelion wrapped around me like boa after its prey. I spent over $200 in hard earned cash mowing lawns in the dead of summer over the course of 4 months to complete my Dubbed VHS collection of NGE. I tortured myself by only watching the first 3 tapes, and holding out until I got the last one. God the agony. My mother was worried, she had not seen me so intent on anything before. (I think I scared her, hehe ^^)
Then, one a selected night, me and two others (lucky individuals that they were, had not paid a single cent to watch MY tapes! ^^) Watched episodes One through 24. From 5 pm. to 3 am.
I was speechless. To say the least. I could not sleep that night. The thoughts, the force, the emotions, clouded my own. It was not till the next day around 8 pm till I got any sleep. I walked around the house thinking. SO absorbed it took all my brain power. If you can imagine, the sheer thoughts I had, and things to sort out. As I am, with such things. I am excessive compulsive (thanks mom ) and incredibly organized(thanks dad ) so my thoughts had to make sense. There was no relief otherwise!
My friends, whom I watched sleep that night, ...I wondered how they could. Did they not care? Did they not see what was going on? Why was I the only one not superficially looking at this?
Two days later... Tape 13 arrived at my door. (so what? I cheated, I watched it one tape sooner! Bad me! Bad!)
As I began to see the ending credits following episode 26. For a brief yet tranquil moment. I was free. I understood. I had everything in a little package that I could carry. It was nice, neat and UNFINISHED!! It was like spliting atoms inside that little package~!
*N2 MINE!*
HOLEY $hit what in the H-E-L-L just happened! WHAT HAPPENED! WHAT!!! Whats NEXT!!!
Thrown into my minds straight jacket and tossed into a padded room to scream. Thats how I can explain it.
SO long ago was my peril. Now I know most of my answers that I no longer search for. Yet I stand steadfast and tall when defending NGE and it's glorious presence in my life. The torture? What tortue, it was psycholoical growth. NO pain no gain they always say! (damned true too, heh).
Back to my friends. One, sarcastically exploits my "button". He presses the "You wasted money on evangelion button". He claimes that I have outlandishly casted away my money for nothing. How dare he? He has a room filled with Dragon and Wizard tinkets, posters, blankets, Pictures, models, figurines. I see some point in a few. But what he has is prodigal. Why must he even say such things?
To my 'not so suprised' suprise, they hate Lain. Lain? Serial Experiments Lain? Hate? Wha? Ok ok... I can see a dislike for it, but hate? They run from the theme song I play on Winamp!!! Shallow minds bare shallow thoughts and opninions. They don't like to think. They never searched for answers, yet they always come to me if they do want answers. As much as they are friends, they are imps to the mind that yeilds deep waters.
But why do I defend my point about not wasting my money on NGE if I had to justify to myself it was not a waste? Because I was impatient. The only reason I can EVEN concieve that I might have saved a few bucks, would have been to purchase the DVD's. (I am going to anyway MUHAHAAHAH!) But that is my ONLY reason. I do not in any way wish I had not spent my blood and sweat money to get the dubbed VHS. IT WAS WORTH EVERY PENNY! I think it holds just as muich meaning and truth as SUBTITLES. If you have a problem with that, give me your address so I can flog you with a bat. (That is not a threat but it rhymes!!).
I, like many, fled to the World Wide Web for others like me who shared the yearning for precious tid-bits of information to piece together the world we had come to know and love as well as be a part of. I found many sites in my searches, old and new. But only 3 that I have 'still' in my favorites that are made by people, or contain people who care as much as I do.(maybe more)
I have suffered relentless slandering from siblings, friends, and strangers alike about my fancination with Anime and Evangelion.
"Your into that porn stuff, huh?" is all they can come up with to distance themselves from what they do not know. They poke fun at me and anime to join the rest who have no clue. That way they can feel comfortable not knowing like the rest. Justifying themselves to make sure they aren't an outsider.
Shame on them.
As of now I am listening to Megumi Hayashibara - Good Luck. I found it during my endless searches for Evangelion soundtracks and MP3's. I have yet to purchase one of the $50 soundtracks. I fail to see spending that kind of money for One CD. I do have my limits. I enjoy the music I have gotten for *cough*nothing*cough*. But does that make me any less of a fan? (more so?)
Mononoke Hime (aka Princess Mononoke) was soon added to my growing collection (NGE, Ninja Scroll, Kimera, AKira, Super Atrigon, Ranma ½). Again, awesome. I recomend it. Severely. It too ventures into deep waters of thoughts and emotions.
*Winamp plays "Battle" - Nge soundtrack. Awesome battle scene. Incredible .
What was then a year is now 5? 6? Time flies. So do other things. Time erodes emotions and feelings that were so strong after watching the series for the first time, to now where they have almost completely gone. Yet I still understand them but the feeling is gone. I now look upon abandoned Evangelion sites, now a years past since last updated. It is depressing. Such a powerful series fading with time. The bullet only travels so far, huh...
I remember the incredible response in Japan. The voice actors get praised, thousands maybe million(s) are absorbed into Evangelion... where is that now? Dare I ask where is the Asuka Langely coslay at an Anime Kon without being flogged for not keeping up with the times?
Or am I just so engrossed I cannot see the plain facts that NGE is over?
The way my friends do the day after watching all of it.
To be so indifferent to emotion and feelings, the power that drives the human mind. To toss aside such emense thoughts.
Like locust who think about what they just ate. (they don't by the way). I would hate for someone to see that in me.
That leads me to this "Main Idea". The Subject line of my post.
I Hope, that Neon Genesis Evangelion and Akira continue to thrive in years to come. Maybe someone will fully grasp it as we, and enjoy it as though it was just released for the first time. They remastered it for life. To give it life to those who had not yet experienced the past of todays Anime.
I have moved on to other things. At times I can forget about Evangelion for a week, the thing that really started anime for me. Yet the entire 13 tapes are sitting right there next to my desk in a tapestand. I might have gone a month had they not been there. Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Noir, Ayashi no ceres, Scryed, Aregento Soma, Ranma ½,DBZ and many, many more. The new series are good.
Good for there time. Better in some minds... of today.
But in the minds of yester years...let's just Hope they don't forget, shall we?
"It all returns to nothing" - Come, Sweet Death
Time for bed
God I love this place
2002-02-17 03:59:07
Captain James T. Rynx: Hmmmm, Ya suppose he would practice what he preaches...hey thats a good one, write that one down will you Rynx?
Rynx: Ha ha!
Captain James T. Rynx: Makes you wonder, did he have to try not to make those mistakes or did he just not try not to make them when he wrote that...
Rynx:Ha Ha!
Captain James T. Rynx: Betch never thought that Rynx was a Scytso huh? Sure caught you bewieldered!
Rynx: Ha Ha!
Captain James T. Rynx: Oh shut up.
Rynx: ...
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:14:26