JOURNAL: novablast

  • good things 2004-05-26 02:05:14 got this feelin
    when i heard your name the other day...

    i think people should do more amvs for girl punk songs. the donnas don't count.. 
  • we will win 2004-05-25 12:52:56 minmei, oh minmei....i'm trying to decide if my next amv should be a robotech amv or a gundam seed. oh the dilemma. just because i felt really spoiled by the great composing of art in macross zero and gundam is just as interesting. and since robotech is a little old, i should really stop beating the dead horse. i tried doing an amv with new generation but i tossed it because i got frustrated with my NLE. now i use vegas so....i'd like to do a non-mecha amv but i like mecha art a lot. so i'll do it until i need the change.

    today i can catch up with my anime. i'm going to watch saikano and kino's travels that i got last friday. maybe i'll even watch more flcl.

    in the world around me, two co-workers had family members pass away and left the job real quick, and two more are going on a european vacation or just away. eck. where am i going? to work of course, and overtime.... 
  • abosolution 2004-05-24 23:46:47 my amv is gonna be in anime expo's amv contest! not bad, if i do say cancels out getting passed on by a supposed "big name" film festival.

    so i went to l.a. this weekend. DON'T EVER stay at the hyatt. they really, really should just label it the riot. non stop loudness from the inside and outside. the only time anyone can get any sleep in there is when the party animals sleep. even then the traffic sucks. the building is shabby too, i could feel doors slam and people running. not good.

    west l.a. is too busy for me. and i've lived in downtown san francisco. i think city life is just too played ofr me, because you can't get privacy or clean streets. had brunch with a. must say that there definitely is a reason why we've lost contact. ten minutes into the meet, i just stopped talking. i'm usually really nice, but i honestly had no words for her. i felt bad but now i think it's just something that happens. i was tired and cranky, and sort of nervous, but then i noticed we aren't on the same level anymore. so i was thrown off. i probably won't contact her again for awhile, after i write the courtesy note.

    the car we rented was a piece of compact junk. so i hated this weekend for the most part. and i couldn't watch any anime!!!  
  • yeah! 2004-05-21 23:24:36 i'd like to see if anyone will be doing this, but even though you guys know enough about me, thought i'd do this slam thing...

    Name four bad habits you have:
    1. i work too much
    2. i'm a pessimist
    3. losing my keys
    4. i don't sleep very much

    Name four things that you wish you had:
    1. my dream career
    2. nice shelter
    3. a playground for my dogs
    4. enough money in the bank to be content and retire NOW

    Name four things you'd never wear:
    1. pants with front pleats
    2. pants that are tapered
    3. high heels
    4. lace

    Name four things you are thinking about right
    1. a vacation in barcelona
    2. my dogs
    3. i need money
    4. my gf, in a very dirty way

    Name four things that you have done today:
    1. helped my gf lie to our supervisor
    2. put up a mini fence and barracades in the backyard so my little dog pa won't crawl out EVER again
    3. left work early
    4. drove over two bridges

    Name the last four things you have bought:
    1. burrito
    2. iced tea
    3. dog food
    4. scone

    Name four people you would like to spend more
    time with:
    1. gf
    2. papa
    3. bernie
    4. sweetie

    Name four bands/groups most people don't know
    you like:
    1. the sugarcubes
    2. the deftones
    3. stereolab
    4. nancy sinatra

    Name four drinks you regularly drink:
    1. iced tea
    2. soy latte
    3. corona
    4. martini

    Name four random facts about yourself:
    1. i don't understand my adoration for pumas
    2. i don't like carrots
    3. i graduated when i was 17.
    4. i almost joined the military
  • eva adore 2004-05-21 13:01:48 last night i watched another ep of flcl and rahxephon. i'm liking rahxephon more and more. while the story hasn't as much to offer, i'm really into the characters because they have their little quirks. flcl is just so confusing to me. it's perverted it's funny. but it's so surreal i can't stop watching.

    i just found out both of my films are going to be in barcelona's gl film fest. fckn awesome. that's 3 for bil and 2 for csc. woo hoo. tomorrow i'm off to l.a. so i don't know if i'll be able to write. yesterday i spent a good amount of time working an outline for a story. it's got a bunch of holes but i read that you keep going and don't stop until you hit an end and then you go back for more. so i hit the end but i am glad i have an outline to work off.

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