that joke isn't funny anymore
2004-04-21 23:03:46
i've noticed that ever since i joined this network i've been getting unusual email. I must say one this about this, mainly to the bored, lonely, anime lovin, computer science major....STOP SENDING VIRUSES! And get a fucking life. seriously, have sex and do something else productive. contrary to popular belief companies don't hire infamous hackers unless they've already been to jail. and you know in aren't so king without your pc.
thi allergy non drowsy claritin is pulling a number on me....wooosey
2004-04-21 13:06:20
oh man, so i watch some bebop last night, finally got my dvds, and hopefully i'll be able to get my license back really soon. i have to go to court sometime next week, and also get my brake pads replaced.i'm really not liking the purple theme on this entry.
i'm getting a haircut on thursday at shag. I lost my choki choki mag for reference, but i have hairnow and i think i need to look at it again. i just might head over to jtown to pick up a copy of choki...i'm not sure if they'll have it but it's worth looking. I haven't gotten a decent cut in awhile. and i used to be sooo coool. ...
today's the long day. it's not even a hump day more like an abyss day.
2004-04-20 13:49:31
is it me or is eveyrone going to the mall today? i'd like ot get a haircut. think i'll make a call. ooh, tonight i get to watch some bebop, and will be getting my dvds FINALLY from al. yeah, think i'll make that call now. i miss my gf
lonely soldier boy
2004-04-20 12:05:41
gah...i think i'm burnin gthe candles at both ends. can't seem to keep myself thinking straight. i wanna take an extra day off but i'm not sure if i should. maybe if i stare at the calendar long enough it'll work.
beautiful ones
2004-04-19 16:05:19
so today i'm feeling a little better. just a little. I'm burnn mp3's for work later. I may finally be getting a full shift tonight. I just looked at a brochure I got in the mail for gnomon 3d school in l.a. It's as expensive as any art school....i'm not sure if i'm willing to go back so soon. but i am making plans and they have a bit to do with be more of an artist rather than a filmmaker. i'm all over the place.
be back later.
Current server time: Jan 30, 2025 21:25:58