• Evalution continues 2001-10-15 12:47:42 Well it only took one night for Evalution to break my bandwidth limit for the month in one night. So no Brinkster ( my server) was deleted all my multimedia files to compensate for the load.

    it's not like they are a bad server, they at least sent me an e-mail and left my html and pics up but still it is a pain in the ass because now I can't use it for a week and it would probably get shut down in under a day again any way

    So my best bet is to start hunting down a privite server that could hold two or three of my newest vids at a time and leave the older ones to the "Free" servers. 
  • Evalution 2001-10-14 20:39:40 Well I Just got around to adding that eva video I mentioned. I ended up downloading some other videos instead of uploading my own.
    I saw this video it had It's my life with clips from Legend of Zelda and it was horrible, I was expecting alot more. But not any effort put into this video just as if he dumped the clips down and grabbed to first song that could be found
    but there was ONE part that did match with the beat, but I could barely tell if it was planned or just happened by chance

    I'm still working on Smooth Criminal, it would have been done by now but I ended up going out to the club of fri and then another party on sat, so now that I'm broke again I'll have more time to spend on it 
  • First entry 2001-10-12 17:51:07 It's been a bit since I have mass produced music videos as I have before due to self scrutiny and the simple fact that it's a bugger to find free hosting for the videos them selves. I now will be adding a new Eva video to my list of vids.
    Currently I am debating the premire of a FF, legend of Dragoon, RE, video due to the fact that I simply don't like it.

    I am almost posative that my next video "Smooth Criminal" will be posted up. It is what I call a no brainer video that basically is just timing and special effects, in contrast to my usual videos that need you to know the characters this on is just action. 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:29:54