Paul Kievits (Paul Kievits)
Happy birthday...
2002-10-09 16:35:21
Ok I'll make a full entry in about 12 hours, for now all I have to say is congratulations to EK it's here birthday! ^_^.
Now if someone actually read this crap it may actually mean something -_-.
Technoshock is online
2002-10-08 03:44:46
For all of you who haven't noticed yet, Technoshock is now hosted courtesy of Leviathan studios. So all of you who didn't snag a copy of red wolf's cd compilation at AWA or people who are just curious, go download. There is one catch, you need to download a small anti-leech program to download the video, apperantly the host is being a bitch about leeching and all. Don't worry though, this software will not destroy your PC in any way, I downloaded it and mine still works...
I also really enjoyed MC Wagner's and ErMaC's journal entries, they were very informative about AWA and were just what I was looking for, but damn Wagner, you type a lot of stuff!
One last thing: a drunk story. I was celebrating my birthday this saturday at home and I had a party. Well my meal (which is all I ate since 12:00 AM) was a bowl of soup; needless to say this is not a good bottom for drinking! I drank quite a lot and needless to say I got really really drunk. I was on the verge of vomiting when somehow I was wise enough to stop drinking; I was utterly fucked at the time. So at 2:00 AM (sunday) while the party was still in full swing I lay down on a couch which is approx 1.50m long (I'm 1.93m, imagine me fitting) in the middle of the room and I fell asleep within a minute. I woke up at 9 and saw some of my friends sleeping on the floor. I fell asleep in the middle of a party and slpet all the way through! Considering the noise being generated I don't know how I slept through it. The next morning someone told me I kept sticking my middlefinger up while I was lying on the couch... I thought I was asleep, I have no recollection of this at all. I must have dune it subconciously or so. Sunday I felt like utter crap, my stoumach decided to do somersaults in my body and my muscles were aching all over from lying cramped up on that small couch (apparently while I was sleeping my head was in a 90 degree angle with my body O.O).
Conclusion: Next time I really have to drink less (or eat more ;))
Short blurb
2002-10-03 15:21:53
No time ... very busy, I'll just post a very brief update on things.
I'm currently working on a MUSE VCD with their clips and some live performances, I need 2 more videos and I'm done, hope to finish it before saturday...
No updates on the AMV part, a lot of ideas and some stuff left to do on old videos should keep me busy but Ihave like 100 other obligations ... *sigh*
Oh I might go to AWA next year, all depends on if I have a job second half of the year it'll hurt me a lot financially. I loved nearly all the awa videos I've seen so far, good jobs all around.
I'll have hosting for Technoshock ready over the weekend aswell...
Sorry I'm a little scatterbrained to type anything usefull.
2002-09-27 19:17:32
I wonder how Technoshock is being recieved at AWA ... I hope AD gets back soon though I bet he's having fun ^_^.
BTW. I heard a song which is so wrong and unapealing I just have to make a video to it. It's by a guy called Jandek (who nobody knows anything about, not even his real name) and is called the Electrical ending. It's 20 minutes long (!) and consists of a guy playing some random chors and notes and some guy hitting on a drum in the backgroung. Once in a while the singer screams and during the whole song he whistles off tone. My god this could be so fucked up NO-ONE will like it. If I ever succeed in making a video I love and everybody else hates (Come on Ian, even you have to hate this song) I will retire. However I'll probably come back on that. If you like the song, watch the entire 20 minutes, and give me a good rating you need to get your head checked, I will probably use Lain/Boogiepop phantom since they seem fucked up enough to match the song.
Just a short squigle
2002-09-24 17:49:19
Damn I missed this place, I'm glad it's back up.
I won't post much here because I frankly don't have a lot to say. Work is consuming all my time and the spare time I do have I try to use wisely. I made some Cover art for the Technoshock SVCD yesterday, it looks really cool if I do say so myself, I used my favorite color combo Red/Black which also fits amazingly well with the video. I just need to slow "The world's strongest" down to 25fps (re-edit it) and I should be done to burn it. I also have to make my version of Technoshock (NTSC) perfect so I can submit it to the CSUN contest and A2003 here in the netherlands. Along with Aya returns and perhaps a contest Scott is running those will be the last ones. I got to the finals in the spPanda contest which was a good start.
I also got a good review on Technoshock (thanks hitori) which was well written and insightfull and kind, I'm happy ^_^.
Last thing: I'm working on an VCD of all of MUSE's official music videos and if space permits some live videos aswell. The search is going well, all I need are the videos for Hyper music and Feeling good (which are coincidentally my favorite videos) and to spiff up the version of UNO I have.
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