Paul Kievits (Paul Kievits)
2002-09-11 12:56:49
I could probably update this later but several cool things have been occuring, I'll give it a quick rundown since I don't feel like typing too much:
1. Technoshock has been submitted to the spPanda contest, which I was planning to do.
2. I watched LoTR today, which was better than I expected ^_^.
3. Been encoding more, I now have a MPEG version of Technoshock ready and am encoding several of the SVCD files now.
4. Will be encoding a NTSC MPEG2 version of technoshock when Ian comes online and I can bother him about how to.
5. I found monkey island 1 in my cd collection and I've been playing it ... ah nostalgia.
6. I kept the best for last: TECHNOSHOCK WILL BE AT AWA!!!!!! Thanks to Quu lengthening the submission deadline this video will be at AWA ... that's just crazy!
More later...
Wild encoding adventure day
2002-09-09 19:07:11
For the xth day on a row I have to thank Ian, I had this wild encoding adventure day which lead to one sucessfull DivX version and one semi-succesfull MPEG1 encoding (this just needs a little touch ups). Now on to an NTSC MPEG2 encode (yikes) and them PAL SVCD encodes (shouldn't be a problem), then all I need to make are menu's and cover art and Technoshock will be ready for it's world tour (lol). So far I've entered the DivX to the spPanda contest so lets see how that goes. I may be distirbuting the DivX version to several people do contact me if you're interested and I might give it to you, I'll explain why if you contact me.
I also will be getting an internship soon, so that means: up at 6:30 home at 18:30 and to bed at 12-ish (maybe sooner). Meaning I'll have 5,5 hours of spare time a day (probably spent working on stuff anyway). Basically that means that this video is done just in time.
The amazing editing stint, and editing at the speed of slow
2002-09-08 18:45:06
Basically, well, um, yeah
I F*CKING FINISHED MY MUSIC VIDEO!!!11!!!1! I sat down on friday, changed 3 things and all of a sudden I liked it, there are probably still a little weird looking things in it but it's done! I was waiting for my burner to come since I had no hdd space (I ended up watching most of excel saga today @.@) then I decided to go beserk and clear up my hdd. Finally I got to the exporting part (after 2 hours of dvd ripping) and to my suprise ... THE SCENES ARE ALL WRONG. I looked and started crying (not really) and ran to Ian for help. He sat by me until it did work (ended up re-ripping the dvd and making a ned d2v file) so Ian gets today's ultra mega super gigantic (other synonyms for big) thanks! I'm currently exporting the video from premiere so if all goes well, I'll be entering it to 2 contests tommorow. yay and all ... better start working on the endings I had in mind...
2002-09-05 19:24:15
Why can't I finish my video? *sobs* After a lot of tweaking I'm even closer to the ending but I just keep spotting minor mishaps, in this tempo this video will never finish! -_-. I might finish tommorow, probably not though. I'll see how far I get. I'd say I'm happy with 99% of the video, it just needs that little extra schwung to finish it... I'll see tommorow I guess. I also kind of finished one ending, it was what I expected, which is good. Now two more endings which I won't be able to make until I get a burner to clean up my HDD so I can rip VOB's. I also need to make a little logo screen for "Outside lines studios". I have no idea how but I'll figure something out. VIDEO RELEASE IMMINENT!!!111!
On a totally not related note: Been listening to a lot more Tom Waits: "Closing time" has to be one of the most beautiful songs ever *moans*. Also been learning some guitar, I can now play the most of "The house of the rising sun" by Bob dylan/the Animals/a gagillion other bands and "Pleas please please let me get what I want" by MUSE (which is also a cover but I haven't the foggiest who wrote the original).
I'm so close it's not funny.
2002-09-04 18:50:53
My video is soooooo close to being finished it's not even funny. I could probably release it in it's current state but I'd like to dot the i's and cross the t's first. Did several touch-ups today, making the video more enjoyable, esspecially one scene which had been bothering me for a while finally got done properly. So the video should be ready for the contest tour (though it's not my purpose to win contests with this video the spotlight would be much appreciated) and then be released for internet. The reason for this is that I want to suprise the people at the ducth con, thus making it public quite yet is not in order (I will send it to you if you can proove not to be going any of the contests the video will be entering).
The current list of contests this video will defniatley enter:
- spPanda contest
- CSUN Anime club contest
- Aya returns contest (UK)
- A2003 contest (the netherlands).
Furthermore I have to see if I will be entering any american cons, I'd like to but it all depends on funds...
Also: Why the fuck is my DBZ video so popular all of a sudden, it gets several page views and downloads a day (now almost 500), why?
Last but not least: Johhny Vaughan tonight (a talkshow) was hilarious; Matt damon appeared and so did victoria Silvstedt. Johhny asked Matt "Have you ever met victoria?", and he says "Just for a second in the dressing room." ... the audiences minds get working and everyone starts laughing. So Victoria asks Matt "Was it as good for you as it was for me?", he replies "Yeah, I just wish I'd lasted more than a second"... lol. Later in the show Johnny asks Victoria "Do you miss sweden?", she replies "I used to be miss sweden ^_^" ... blonde.
Also my thoughts on the music of last night: Millionaire was rather dull and same-ish and couldn't get me arroused. Cooper temple clause on the other hand I liked, definatley something to look out for. I'm also getting to like Tom Waits' music more and more, it took some acclimatisation but I'm really getting into it nw (which is good since his CD's are dirt cheap at the moment"
Today's special thanks go out to Brad deMoss for agreeing to let me show his video in my AMV workshop next febuary ^_^.
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