JOURNAL: Paul Kievits (Paul Kievits)

  • Bla 2002-08-24 20:21:36 I had so much fun today, it was just unbelievable. Let me try to enlighten. I got up in the morning feeling like shit because of the huge amount of booze I had consumed the night before. So I ate breakfast went upstairs slowly and spent the entire morning listening to Tom Waits songs. Then at 2:00 I decided to start on my MV. When I started it was like: "the part I'm on now is turning into crap, I should skip ahead to a part I know how to do". So basically I made 11 seconds in 2 hours! The best part is, I tuned it a little and it was fucking amazing. I need to tune it a little more and it'll be absolutely crazy. One of the best parts of the video will be done in little/no time and look amazing, scuh hapiness. I spent the rest of the evening (up 'till 10:00) in the AMV chatroom/on MSN talking to "Otkakumon". Both conversations were great fun. The AMV chatroom was actually full of active people, talked about a live action thingie and saw ErMaC getting off on cosplayers on TV :D. The conversation with miss "Otakumon" was also fun, she had added me but didn't know why anymore so we just ended up talking about random blog, amusing stuff.

    Something to remember: From tommorow on I won't be talking about myself anymore. Basically there are enough boosted ego's as is, no need for another one...  
  • . 2002-08-24 05:25:52 Forget mainstream
    Forget popularity
    Forget charts, awards and ratings
    Forget categorization
    Forget your reputation
    Forget your forum post count, amount of journal posts a day and the amount of people you "know".

    Dare to experiment ... think differently. 
  • Fux0rs 2002-08-23 15:32:06 I also accidentaly gave you a link to my sig image, the likn for my studio logo is: 
  • Two quick things 2002-08-23 15:31:02 A. Ian is going to help the AMV community immensly with his (and others) crack to the Premiere plugin (check out his journal).

    B. I updated my profile, nothing flashy... 
  • Outside lines studios 2002-08-23 15:02:28 Heyo,

    I meant to post in the journal later, but I wanted to react to the whole Nightowl thingy. I'll do that at the bottom, first I'll post some generic news here:

    I made a logo for my studio of one "Outside lines studios" today, nothing exciting, but yeah whatever, check it out here:(if the html code doesn't work, what probably won't, jsut follow the link)

    <img src="">

    I also added another 11 seconds to my video, I have a pretty easy part timing wise so I should be able to add more to my video tommorow. I haven't touched anything up, but I'll try to do some of that tonight. The problem is I really don't like what's happening to this video, it's not the inside look of Tetsuo's psyche that it should be, so I'm going to have to fix that somehow, because I don't want this to be g-neric action video A...

    As to the nightowl situation. First off, I know how impossible it is to type when you're drunk, I've tried doing the same a few times ... definatley not a good idea. Anyway you're right on most points, for some reason AMV's which should be a hobby where multiple people should be having fun is turning into a real world big-name-big-mouth-takes-all deal, it's not right, but hey what can you do? The majority seems to like it. I know I'm just a beginning idiot so my opinion is worth a grain of salt, but hey I just thought I'd add my $0.02... 
Current server time: Feb 01, 2025 04:40:34