Paul Kievits (Paul Kievits)
All that you can hate inside.
2002-08-22 18:54:12
Lol @,,2-2002381909,00.html
Also: Today was a productive day, did a little site coding (not much, but 30 minutes or so) and I played some soccer (my form is rather good at the moment; condition and shot are good). But the main thing was my music video, 6 hours of editing gave me: 10 more seconds of stuff, that's 100% more than I have on a usual session. I kind of crapped out on some of the editing though, there are several scenes that look like shite. I just watched the 46 seconds I have (w00t almost a minute now) and I pulled out atleast 12 things that need to be change, some are editing and some are scene selection (plot). I'll be trying to straighten most things out tommorow and add another 5 seconds to the vid (now comes an easy starightforward timing part in the video).
Speaking of Vertigo, I'm planning on buying a DVD writer in the near future. So this means I'll be trying to get some proxys to spread my AMV DVD around at cons. I've been planning on what to add; this is what I came up with:
DVD contents:
- Interactive menu's.
- "Vertigo" (DVD quality)
- B-side: "The world's strongest" (DVD quality)
- "Vertigo" MPEG1, DivX, XviD (For PC storage)
- "The world's strongest" MPEG1 (For PC storage)
- All three of "Vertigo's" ending (credit) screens (Gotta catch 'em all ^_^)
- "Vertigo" sketches
- "Vertigo : director's comments" (in English/Dutch/German)
- About me
- Credits
- AMV Workshop @ Anime 2003 convention*
- The making of AMV Workshop @ Anime 2003 convention*
All options marked with a * are uncertain items, they MIGHT be on the DVD depending on if I can get the footage. As you can see that is a pretty hefty DVD (I hope it all fits on one DVD). My inspiration for making stuff bigger even though you don't need to is MUSE. Their singles often contain 3-4 songs and a music video! Their DVD is 20 songs long and some have multiple camera ngles and you get an additonal disc with an interactive discography and a documentary. The soundtrack was a double CD, with live songs and unreleased B-sides (for the price of a regular CD). Basically your getting a lot for the same price as some cheapos give you a lot less. That satisfies people, and I hope I can aswell (in a non-sexual manner).
That DVD stuff is pretty exciting to me so I'll be busting my ass to give people something to watch ^_^. If your intrested already or anything (eventhough my first video sucked and Vertigo is nowhere near finished), drop me a mail.
Vacation drawing to an end
2002-08-21 19:51:35
Alas it's true, my vacation is drawing to an end, meaning back to the harshness of real life and school. I'm looking forward to my first half year of internship (even though I STILL don't know where), but I'm looking forward to the second half of the year where I work on projects, I only have to go to school once in the week and I get to work with people I like. I have about 1 1/2 weeks of vacation left so I'd best cherish it.
Onto my video, as said yesterday I did some touchups. I touched two cuts making the flow a little better in that part (miniscule change). I also edited 3 seconds from average to good (in my opinion), just by altering the scene selection. I also was fiddling around with another 4 seconds, it looks a tad better but still not something I like, I'll be fiddling with that in post-editing. I've been calculating: At the average speed I edit in (5 seconds a day max.), and the post production, and the eventual delays I come to the following sum:
Amount of time total: (approx) 140 seconds.
Amount of time filled: 36 seconds.
Amount of time left: (approx) 104 seconds.
Average editing speed: 5 seconds per day.
Amount of expected post-editing(touchups): 2/3 weeks.
Amount of vacation left: (approx) 11 days.
Amount of time to edit on schoolweeks: 2 days (max.) a week.
Time left (104)/Editing speed(5) = (approx) 21 days.
21 days - vacation left (11 days) = 10 days. (September 1st)
10 days / time to edit in schoolweeks (2 days) = 5 weeks (October 7th)
+ 3 weeks of post editing (October 28th)
+ 1 week calculated delays (November 4th)
So my video should be done by november 4th, but I want to enter it in a con which is held in november, so I need to edit faster (yay more pressure >_<)
I got sacked during my soccer manager game today, unthankful turds. I then join another club which relegates, so now I'm currently out of a job >_<.
I also need to get a site up by Tuesday (extremly light version) and work on it the rest of the year, sigh ... what was I saying about vacation?
The filmmarathon was good though I only saw 5 of the 10 movies (I slept through 3 and we didn't watch 2 due to lack of time), my thoughts:
- The usual suspects (pretty good, but rather predictable near the end).
- Hotel Paradiso (Funny funny stuff, rather easy humore but funny as hell).
- Trainspotting (Definate cult classic, great stuff).
- Dracula 2000 (utter shite, *spoiler*Dracula is judas, come on...*spoiler*).
- Planet of the apes (definatley not as good as the original, but easy morning hollywood fun).
Well that's all, more tommorow.
2002-08-20 11:43:26
I decided to make a journal entry anyway today, maybe sooner than normal, but that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm currently waiting for my video to render so I have some time to type this (my computer is truly that slow). Up until now I've had a more than productive editing session, I have 7 seconds of basic timing done so far and I want to touch that up to make it perfect so I can get up to 36 seconds on my video today which is pretty much considering my average editing speed. Then tommorow I'll have a light editing day (touch up stuff I've done so far) and then the day after continue adding new stuff. This means that by Thursday evening I should have 40 seconds of pretty decent stuff and just maybe by Sunday evening I'll have the first minute done (which is about the half way point), pretty exciting stuff. Whilst listening to the song earlier I had an epiphany on what to do later on in the video. Basically I want to add some majorly disturbing fast timing on one part and then on another part use some fucking bombastic effects which should disturb most normal human beings. Last but not least last night hile I was lying in bed I had another brilliant idea. I've been playing with some ideas as what to do with the end credits, well I've thought it through and I've decided to make 3 encodes (MPEG, DivX and XviD) and have them all have seperate ending credits, thus making them collectors items so to speak (that is if people feel like collecting them). I'm not telling you exactly what to expect yet, but get ready for 1. maniacal ending credits, 2. Disturbing ending credits and 3. Calm wind down ending credits. Oh how I love to do ending credits, they let your ideas roam free ^_^.
I also got Scott's Music video and "This is Otakudom" today. LMAO This is Otakudom was great, a lot of jokes and some great voice acting. I esspecially loved Mike la Brie's appearence "I poured gasoline over myself and set myself on fire AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" lol. Great job on that scott, I'll be sending you a mail soon...
Film marathon tonight at 9-ish. Get ready for crap movies some beer and no sleep XP
Back to editing I guess...
2002-08-19 20:03:38
Wow this day was super productive I did so much! ... Moving back to this dimension, this day was utter p00p for productivity. The only good thing out of today was that I finally (after 4 friggin days) I managed to surpass my creative impasse (funny sentence :)). I got up to 28 secinds today, the effects are all good but I may need to rethink the scene choices, shouldn't be too much of a problem. The funny thing is the more and more I edit and the more and more this video turns into an effect orgy the more I realise this video may be hated by more people than people that will like it. If that happens my goal is acheived ^_^, down with mainstream bitches! lol. Anyway a lot of people are going to dislike this song (Except for Ian who likes all music ^_^) and a lot of people are going to be extremely disturbed by the rigid editing and overuse of effects. Oh well, as long as I'm happy with it it'll be ok. The only problem I've been having with Vertigo is that it's turning too much into a generic action video rather than a look into tetsuo's psyche. I hope I get what I want out of this video, if not, Tom waits promisses to be even more challenging.
Furthermore I played soccer today and burned muchos calerios, my form is still not great though.
I'm also going to be having a film-marathon tommorow night, so I might not have a journal entry till wednesday. We rented several movies, some of which I really want to see (my choices: Trainspotting, Fargo and Guesthouse paradiso), some which I don't know, and several videos which seem like crap in my eyes (Generic horror movie, Dracula 2002, Lake placid) I guess I'll just sleep through those ^_^.
I hope my productivity picks up this week, I'm starting to feel like Hsien (playing a game (in my case Anstoss 3) all the time and having to kick myself back to work) but then again I actually won stuff in my game (J/K).
Today's special thanks goes out to Tim Park for letting me use his "Right now somebody is reading this title" for my AMV workshop. This means I have 8 of the 10 videos I want to use with permission. And 2 still pending permission, the last 5 will be added in december.
Inproductive bullshit
2002-08-18 18:44:36
Well this week has been a week of hell for productivity. I thought I had quite a lot done, but to be honest I could have done twice or thrice as much and since I have approx. 2 weeks before I have to get started for school again I should start locking myself in my room and starting to have entire days of mere productivity. So for next week I'm going to have to put some really high demands on myself to get back up to speed. This is just a quick list as a reminder for myself (so you can skip this if you want):
To-do list:
- 1 minute done on Vertigo.
- Site finished.
- Hosting registered.
- Money for domainname inned and dommainname registered.
- Internship final.
- Inform about drivers ed.
Ok but what about today? Got up at 12, went to my grandma's birthday at 3. I could have done stuff inbetween but I decided to play games all morning >_<. Pigged out at my grandmother's birthday (who turned 69), Pizza, chips and ice cream are good. Now I'm going to have to sport a lot aswell next next week to lose some fat I built. I came home 8-ish and decided to start editing. On a scale of 1 to 10 my creativity is really zero at the moment. I hope that improves or I'll be in serious shit this week. I'm trying to improve it by listening to good music and watching inspiring live acts, I hope that and a good night's sleep help me. I'm currently watching a Muse gig (another one on tc tuesday wahay), and I still can't believe how well they preform live.
Oh I just thought this up:
Kievits law on modern People:
There are two kinds of people, people who care about what you're saying and people who see you as a medium for talking about themselves ... at least 90% of all modern day people belong to the second category.
You know it's true...
I'm going to get sleeping now so I can kick of my "week of productivity" well tommmorow.
BTW. Cheers to "Lostboy" Lee Thompson for being OK with me showing his "The fall" video at my AMV workshop in Febuary and for promissing me an MPEG 2 version. Little tidbits aside that means One video here now and Three in the mail, making Four of 15 so far now to continue contacting AMV makers to get moooore. ^_^
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