Paul Kievits (Paul Kievits)
Even smaller entry
2002-07-23 19:24:16
I added my picture to my profile, fanmail is welcome :P
2002-07-23 18:37:46
Just a short entry today (bed time):
1. Hullabaloo still rocks!
2. Vertigo has gone up to 11 seconds but there are 2 things I'm going to have to revise since they don't seem to work too well and seeing the same thing in this vid more than once is tedious...
3. Work progresses on my first of 4 websites to finish, still on schedule...
4. I need an intrenship, *sends out emails*
That'll be all (sleepy bye bye)
Back for 4 days
2002-07-22 11:42:33
WOW I'M BACK!!!! For 4 days -_-. I spent the last 3 weeks cuirsing the USA in an RV it was cool I got to see a ton of things 4 days in NY (during a friggin heatwave) and saw the usual stuff (empire state building, statue of liberty, ground zero, repulsive patriotism etc.). Things seemed so expensive over here my dad was getting a nervous breakdown about the expenses. Then we flew over to Los angeles (another big time leap) and stayed in another hotel and saw universal studios. Then we started touring with the RV (ah 3 days with a pubescant boy and a hyper active girl, both with no manners who put friggin STRAWBERRY YOGHURT IN THEIR CORNFLAKES O.O). Though the provacy was absolute zero the things I saw compensated for(grand canyon, hooverdam, vegas, yosemite and sequioa national parks and san fransisco). I just arrived home yesterday and I got 3 hours of sleep last night yet I don't really feel tired. anyway enough of that in 4 days I'm going on a 2 week booze/woman hunt with my friends, which should also be cool.
On a nowhere related note, a few AMV things. First I dumped the idea of "next episode on DBZ" because I really shouldn't be bashing anime (check the vid description for more info). Second I changed my studio name (yet again) to "Outside lines studios" so I can use it for webdesign and programming as well (editing outside lines, programming outside lines etc.). I also restarted on Verigo but I have absolutely no inspiration at the moment.
People anticipating the return of AMVR (who?) it will be back soon I have the entire layout on paper (including all menu's, layout and database) so I should start implementing when I get back from my vacation coming up.
Last check out Muse's new Double DVD (or CD) hullabaloo, totally awesome. The DVD is region free so even you americans can get a whiff of good music for a change and contains 2 DVD's one with a concert (which is basically almost both of their previous cd's together) and the econd contains an interactive discography and a documentary (classic slipknot bashing involved :D). The Double Cd has about half the tracks from the DVD on CD1 and 10 b-sides on CD2 which most people won't have unless they bought most of the singles...
Well that's all for now.
Good stuff all around
2002-06-24 16:10:17
Adiamante: congrats, just thought it needed to be said ^_^.
Well I got up to 7 seconds on my vid today (read it and weep SEVEN seconds in your face baby ... ahum). I showed it to MJ and AD and they both seemed to like it enough (it's a 7 second clip what in-depth analysis is anyone supposed to give on that?) AD like the post-modern style (I was like "what?"), of course had to explain to me what post-modern style was but once he told me I could see how he saw that. Everything about this video still feels right, I'm catching every beat and the ideas are plenty. Let's hope this fruitful period lasts (maybe Vertigo will be done on time for aya-con ^_^).
The behemoth has begun
2002-06-23 19:03:22
I started editing my Vertigo video today, I only got 3 seconds done (I was only going at it half-ass (damn AMV chat) and I was still thinking about how to implement several things) but I can already see this is going to be some really weird stuff. I was just going about the usual fast-paced action syncing and even that felt right, let alone when I start adding the pshycologic crap later on in the vid (absolute destiny had a brilliant effect which I'm sure to implement at some stage). Perogative (sp?) is still experiment over popular so there may be a bunch of haters but I don't care. The work I'm doing now is pretty futile since I leave for the big US vacation in 5 days so more editing will be done when I return. I'm thinking of sending this vid into 2 contests (if it is possible I might attend both (the UK con is a big question mark)) just to make people look at me funnily. I also hope to get some form of hosting for my vid (I hope people are generous to me again). Ok I'm going to stop typing now, this little story flows like crap.
Current server time: Feb 01, 2025 14:51:23