JOURNAL: Paul Kievits (Paul Kievits)

  • Link it to the words 2002-04-16 16:10:21 I DID IT ... I think I finally nailed the concept on my video, I definatley have a story, I can play most of the song on the guitar, I know the song by heart and I matched words to events (some are still a pretty shaky but I'll see that when I get up to that point). This is going to be one hell of a test on me though, it's going to involve a lot of photoshopping and use of aftereffects to create scenes which don't occur in Akira itself. Other than that I hope the story will capture people and surprise them, well time to get my hands dirty...

    ... actually more work is the last thing I need right now, I'm still swamped. The last part of the school year has started and I have a buttload of stuff to do I have to finish in 10 weeks before I go on vacation. I need to get AMVR up and working, I need to create a site for my soccer team, I have to do my regular school work (which is a lot) and I need to start on my vid. No lazying around thus.

    As for the weekend, it was really a unique one this time. Saturday we started out by playing soccer. I got hit by someones elbow and my tooth went through my lip ... lots of blood etc. I finished the match and actually gave an assist but we still lost 5-2. After soccer we went to the caffeteria of the soccer club and drank beer and ate fries (my dinnner) after that we had a flim marathon planned ... all night long. We rented 6 movies which neither me nor my friends had seen: Crouching tiger hidden dragon, Natural born killers, Blair witch 2, Bride of chucky, Malcom X and enemy at the gates. We started watching at 7:00 pm and with breaks we ended at 11:00am (needless to say most people had fallen asleep by then (I actually slept an hour though I didn't mean to). Here is my film critique:

    - Crouching tiger: Average love story with beautiful fight scenes.
    - Natural born killers: This was cool, what a cult movie.
    - Blair witch 2: Oh my god this sucked so bad it made Blair witch 1 look high budget.
    - Enemy at the gates: suprisingly good though somewhat historically inaccurate at times.
    - Bride of chucky: LAME HORROR FLICK ... nuff said.
    - Malcom X: I fell asleep during the first half (shame on me) but the second half was accurate with good acting by denzel washington. I actually knew the history of Malcom X so no big surprises here.

    Sunday I went home with an hour of sleep and watched soccer (yay PSV won and can still become champion). After that we went out for ... BEER. My liver is seriouly dying here. I got 13 hours of sleep that night.

    - The end -
    I love happy endings... 
  • Fixed 2002-04-10 17:05:53 For all of those who were trying to download my vid ... the link is fixed, you can get it now. ^_^ 
  • Some time 2002-04-10 16:04:15 Well I had my exam today, the one I talked about yesterday. I've never had such a funny experience. The stuff we had to learn for the exam (HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, Javascript) was on internet and it included a little test quiz. I basically practiced on that (multiple-choice) quiz so often I know all the awnsers by heart. So I go to school and sit down and I get handed the test. I look at question 1 and 2 and start smiling from ear to ear ... THEY LITERALLY TOOK THE SAME QUESTIONS FROM THE TESTS OFF INTERNET!!! I started filling in all the right awnsers (which I knew by heart) and didn't even have to read some questions. So I'm done in (new world record time) 5 MINUTES!!! I go to the teacher and hand him my work. He asks me "Are you in the wrong room or something?", I say: "No I'm finished". He looks at me all weird and says, I'm sorry but you can't leave for 30 minutes so I go back to my seat and start sleeping. Up until the second student finishes and he lets me go. I can swear I have up to one question wrong (untidiness), but that's all. So I get an A in 5 minutes, easy non? Well after that we decide to get some beer to celebrate, so I chill out with some dudes from my class and go drink a pint. After that we decided to go to burger king and have dinner and then go to the time machine. The time machine was not bad at all, much better than I had expected. I also love the H.G. Wells mention in the movie. So after that I go home after having had a great day. I also talked to an old classmate (who had come along) and remembered why he was my friend. He basically scared me with the things we have in common (try playing guitar but suck at it, love anime, hate webdesign and all that), so that was cool. Last but not least just before I left to school another friend of mine gave me a crate of beer for losing a bet to me, so now we have some more to drink on saturday. After I come home I check the forums to look for the DBZ music video contest result, and I was extremely excited when I saw them. I actually came in third with my first video, cool. I lost to NeoGohan (as I expected) and I have to see those other 2 vids but I was extremly pleased with my ranking. It's a nice foundation to continue editing. So finally my day winds down and I decide to go watch soccer, PSV-AJAX, a big match in the semi-final of the cup. PSV lost 3-0 and played dramatically bad, but the worst part was the unbelievably bad commentary who was so obviously for AJAX it made my head hurt. If PSV loses on sunday the season is over, it's the last chance at all *starts praying*. And that's all I got to say about that... 
  • blah 2002-04-09 15:49:59 Well since tommorow is my last exam and it's at 14:00 I thought I'd post some stuff here. Well what to say? I had my first exam today (yes I have 2 exams in total ^_^). It went well ... or so I though, but I have 2 of the 20 wrong already and the other 18 are pending, so it could go either way :(. I also saw the schedule for my next quarter of a year. I have monday off and I practically have thursday off, so I'll be working on my homework those days since my weekends never are productive. What else? Well I've started jogging with a buddy twice a week, muscles I never knew I had are starting to swell up esspecially the muscle right above the knee, what's up with that? Haven't done much on the webdesign/programming/music video front all week, but I want some stuff on them done by next monday ... looks like a lot of work ahead. Well, that's about it for now, I go sleepy bye. Bye bye... ^_^ 
  • It's been a while 2002-04-07 15:32:31 I'm still here, I've just been insanely busy. I spent all Saturday playing soccer/getting drunk so that wasn't a really productive day as you can guess by now ^_^.

    I spent all day today tutoring math, literally from 1:00pm to 5:30pm. After that I had to help someone with word so that pretty much took a lot of time aswell. The spare time I did have was spent on finishing Zelda 3. I have to spend the next 3 days learning and taking exams and then I can fiddle around again. Meh I don't feel like typing. More crap next time. 
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