Paul Kievits (Paul Kievits)
Not this time
2002-03-28 14:58:56
Nono I will not forget to put all the stuff I want in my journal this time. So what happened today? I decided to definatley stick with new born because it's the most high-octane of the songs I want to use and it should get me where I want. So I thought "yeah let's start matching the story to the song", so I locked myself in the room all day ... and ended up playing Zelda 3 all the time >_< not a lot of progress thus...
Furthermore I really need a burner, my AMV collection is getting out of hand, check these stats:
- AMV's 105 files (4,01 gig)
- DBZ vids (back from the old review site) 132 files (1.86 gig)
See the difference :D
Anywho there are too many dutch people on this site, they threaten my monopoly as only dutch guy :|
2002-03-27 15:58:43
This is the second time I forgot to add something to my journal ... well here goes:
Wishful thinking?
Destroy the spineless...
2002-03-27 15:53:41
Egad I hate making a song choice for my mvid. I thought I was 100% sure of Paranoid android by radiohead, but I have a lot of action planned in my vid and this is not the fastest most action packed song around so I guess I won't be using it. So I sway back to the choices I made before and find that either New born or Uno are most fit. Uno has 2 slow bits in the middle and New born has a slow bit in the start. I think I'm going with new born though because it's pretty much action packed all the way through. I also had a presentation today, and it never went better I've never been so calm before, promisses alot for the future. On another note I also added another 2 vids to my collection. Lostboy's captain jack DDR project and Kevin Caldwell's Harvey the wonder hamster, me likey both. My vacation has also started so expect me to do some more "stuff".
On a completely unrelated note to anything ... could someone please tell me what a dutch speedway marking sign is doing in cowboy bebop? What do I mean? simple, he seams to be headed to den haag (the hauge) on the A12 and is 6km away. Where the hell did they comee up with the idea to use it? To all ye who wonder what I'm blabbering about, here's a screenie from ep 20. of Cowboy bebop:
I can't believe
2002-03-26 16:03:42
I actually forgot to add this to my update, so I'll add it now ... no harm done right? It's really exciting news (for all people who are Muse enthusiasts (and god knows you all should be)):
Here are the german released dates of the forthcoming DVD and single :
Single: “In Your World” 03rd June
Live-DVD “Hullabaloo” 17th June
Live-CD: "Hullabaloo” 17th June
I don't know what the hell he means by german release date but since it's the neighbouring county looks like soom really good stuff soon!
Yo no querro morrio
2002-03-26 15:58:26
I can't actually remeber what my title means, but it's a spanish sentence I put into my head once. I think it's something along the lines of "I'm not dumb" or something like that. Anyway I did some analyzing for my Mvid today, I linked the lyrics to spots where I'd like the story to change. Next up is to analyse the song note by note and look at the mood swings and such. I also perfected the random banner script for AMVR. You can buy it from me if you want :D
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