Paul Kievits (Paul Kievits)
Yay times 2
2002-02-01 19:38:32
Despite weather predictions it didn't rain so I get to play soccer tommorow for the first time in 2 months - yay
Secon I didn't think my video would finsh before the con but I got more time so I can finish it - yay times 2
2002-01-31 18:05:25
First off: Haha I have more journal hits than you lifehost :D
Second: I need someone with a keen eye for videos to help me, I have 1 more day to finish a video for a con and eventhough Scott has been a great help I'm afraid his comments will arrive to late. If you think you can help me, my icq is: 96323707 and my AIM is: Vegeta for Prez
2002-01-30 13:25:35
So I've never been to a con before and suddenly I'm tipped off there's a con in holland, so I sign up to go and I dunno why but I enter the AMV contest. This is my first video and it's DBZ, damn I'm gonna lose -_-. Anyhow there are only 4 contestors so I might be third :D Now I have to finish my video in 5 days and I have like a minute of perfect stuff, I still need to tweak 2:30 -_- help...
2002-01-28 19:26:52
nothing to report ... school strated again *beh*... I saw this film "election" and they had a guy called paul meltzer ... sounds like scott mezler who should relax more ... then I can finish my video ... hitchikers guide rules! arrigato sleep san.
Ok so nobody actually read these -_-
2002-01-26 20:28:26
When I complement people they don't react, henceforth I conclude nobody read my journals *sobs* I'll have to releas my video soon to be noticed. Anyhow just tweaked a little more got some more obvious errors out, the video is now error free now to just look at some scenes that could look better and some artistical stuff. After that I get to make the layout to a new site ( which allows software designers to swap and improve each others source code. I hope it takes off and I get more well known...
Current server time: Feb 03, 2025 03:07:47