Exciting exciting
2002-01-20 20:09:20
Viewes choice awards are upon us ... and I'm not in them. I totally missed the deadline, well hey I can be best new creator next year :D I nominated a few people who deserved it (mostly the same vids though)
Exams tommorow, learned for 11 hours today ... I better pass it. -
Learning time for the rest of the week
2002-01-19 19:55:34
I have exams coming up this monday, thursday and friday so I have to learn all week -_- My video will come after that ... prioritise (i have my perfect school record to uphold). Anyway, I need to read (and understand) 10 more chapters tommorow on the very mindnumbing subject of TCP/IP. Considering I did 7 chapters in the preceeding 3 days this'll be tough (it's not that it's hard, it's just so boring. I managed to read 2 chapters in 1 hour today so I might get done in 5 hours without breaks :() Monday - Thursday more learning and then I finish my video, I have the entire weekend to tweak the last bits... MVR forums after that, AMVR itself after that and then I get cracking on 2 more websites and then I make my "The shining" video, god this is going to be tiring.
BTW. Bid for Powers is finally released!!! Ye anime fan, go forth and download ... www.bidforpower.com - Video release delayed 2002-01-18 14:53:37 Video release delayed a little, watch for further notices.
2002-01-16 15:59:39
I've been editing all day and I'm starting to look like O_O. I now hope to be doing my final low quality render *crosses fingers* after which I finish the editing stage and start doing the stuff I described earlier, god I hope so or I'll go crazy.
Also: Happy birthday to Meri (Yes I actually read other people's journals) - Boredom 2002-01-16 08:27:33 *tweaking stuff* almost got 2:15 done of perfect stuff. I'm learning for my exams so I should finish my video either tonight or tommorow, then I encode to MPEG2 and add a title screen, expect distribution of my video on friday (if my internet connection doesn't keep cutting off my upload again).