JOURNAL: wilpower (wil )

  • Ok, maybe two-week break........ 2005-06-22 18:06:26 Well, the house plans are consuming more time than I anticipated. I'm done with them, now if I can get my wife to stop tinkering with them. Plus, she uses the software on my computer to tinker because her machine doesn't have it. That means I can't work on AMVs cause my machine has the video ripping/editing software on it. Ho-hum.

    Hopefully, I'll have time this weekend to work on my AMV projects some. I need to rip some more DVD footage and go through it pulling clips. I need to burn the clips off on to DVD+R for now too, so I can free up all the drive space I can -- you can never have too much when editing.

    I also need to spend some time with Premiere so I can really understand all the tools better. I understand the basics (very basic) but I'm not going to make the video I want to make with a basic understanding. I think I may need After Effects for a couple of the things I want to do, but we'll wait and see. Well, that's all for now -- later.

  • One week break...... 2005-06-15 15:39:18 I'm taking a one week break from my AMV projects to concentrate on the plans for the house we are trying to build. Once that's out of the way, it's back to the regularly schedule AMV. :)

    I pulled more clips and am getting things together to begin editing my next AMV. I must say, I'm more impressed with myself this time around. I seem to be doing things correctly. The video quality seems to be much better, that's for sure. The time away from the hobby may have helped me by giving me a fresh start on the technical side, while retaining the artistic ideas floating around in my head. Now I just need to put head to platter. LOL

    I've also noticed my computer is more stable now for some reason…..I wonder if it's an over-heating problem as I had thought all along? I'm using it in the basement now and the ambient temperature is much lower than the rest of the house. Last night I worked for hours without a crash and I had several programs open (including PhotoShop). I'm also using my 21" monitor again. It is really helping with the video editing because I'm now running 32bit color, 1600x1200 resolution at 75 Hertz on my desktop. It helps to have that extra space to work with.

    Well, that's all for this week. Later.

  • Infused with energy and enthusiasm........ 2005-06-06 10:21:16 I spent some time this past weekend going through the tutorials on ripping DVD footage for AMV use. I have the basics down and have begun ripping scenes I want to use for an AMV. I think I may try re-doing my first AMV -- using proper techniques -- and make the overall video better. Although, I'd rather move on to more interesting projects -- maybe it would be a good learning exercise.

    There is another idea that's been churning in my mind for almost a year now that I want to get started on. Some of my other ideas that were never finished need to be rehashed as well. I need to sit down and set myself a production list with priorities.

    I've also decided that I'm abandoning my former projects done in Pinnacle Studio. I am using a version of Premiere currently and if I like it, I plan to buy a license. If it isn't what I'm looking for, I'll move on to the next software. So far I'm liking it better than Pinnacle -- much more stable. The real test will come when I start to do the "real editing." I can't wait!

    I'm going to commit one night a week (and any spare time I can find on the weekends) to working on my AMVs. I'm also going to begin leaving Journal Entries at least once a week. This way, the ideas should stay fresh in my mind and I'll be committed to seeing the projects through to completion. Maybe when a holiday weekend roles around I'll have time to really spend on it and turn something out. No promises though. Later.

  • New Day.......... 2005-05-31 11:00:56 I have a new job. We celebrated my daughter's first birthday. We have moved to a new city. Things have settled down -- for now.

    It's been a while since I was on AMV, but it's been in the back of mind ever since I stopped posting. I've watched a few more anime series and become interested in even more. I've looked at my old projects, but not been able to find time to work on them. I still chew on ideas for a couple projects that are really great concepts, but I don't have time to work on. I'm hoping for a long vacation that I can spend some time working on one. I doubt that will be anytime soon though. I did install a second hard drive so I'll have the space when I do get back to it.

    Well, I better get back to work. For anyone interested, I'm back -- well, sort of.

  • Difficult Times....... 2004-11-11 17:58:00 I am now unemployed. I have more free time, but I have to focus on getting a new job. Without my job, we lose benefits for my family and that's not good. With a 7-month old daughter I can't afford to go without insurance.

    As a part of the job searching we have decided to move as well. So, I will be really busy for a while. I'm going to stop weekly updates for a little while. I'll resume when times are a little better. I'll probably still visit the site from time to time. Maybe I'll have time to update my journal occasionally for anyone actually interested (besides me). Later.

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