wilpower (wil )
Things are better..........
2004-08-24 22:26:08
Everything is back to normal again -- wife and baby are doing fine. I still don't have time for AMVs, but oh well. I did get a 10-pack of DVD+RWs on sale and can now offload projects and associated files until I need them. That will free up some hard drive space -- which was desperately needed. I think I'm going to offload all but one project, and that way I can keep things a little more organized. I'm off to bed for now though. Later.
Short, not sweet..........
2004-08-18 08:51:51
My wife is in the hospital as they try to figure out what's wrong with her. They thought pneumonia, but aren't completely sure - the test results have not been conclusive. With that I'm spending all my time taking care of our baby daughter, visiting my wife at the hospital and running errands. No time for AMVs (still). I really want to work on them, but life just doesn't want to let me. Later.
Hectic Schedule...........
2004-08-11 08:19:38
Just a quick entry this week..... so much happening. A friend of ours is getting married this weekend and another friend is getting married next weekend. I didn't have any free time this past weekend - not even to turn the computer on. I need to make another donation to soon. This place is so helpful to the budding, young AMVer. Well, I better get working - that's what they pay me for. Later.
I've been chewing........
2004-08-05 15:15:51
I've been thinking about my one AMVs on and off this week, but haven't worked on it. I keep wishing I had more free time to go through the anime footage and find the scenes needed. I won't touch it for the next few weeks because we are going to be so busy - guests from out of town, a birthday bash, two weddings and a mini-vacation. Whew! I hope I don't explode.
I thought of another idea for an AMV this past week. I wish I had the time to actually turn all these ideas into reality. Maybe I can talk work into letting me work on AMVs for a living. ;) Later.
I think I'll have more time in the Fall.........
2004-07-27 16:41:33
I think part of the problem for me lately with working on my AMVs is the fact that it's Summer. In the Fall, when I'll be outside less and have more free time, I'll be able to work on these things again. I'm enjoying other hobbies and soaking up the sun when I can. There's nothing like riding down the road with the windows down, the music blasting and the wind blowing your hair all over the place. I hope it's not raining when I head home from work. :)
Of course the fact that I'm a relatively new dad is eating up some of my time too. I don't mind so much, I love my daughter. She's so much fun. Well, I guess I better finish up so I can head home. Yipee! Later.
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