JOURNAL: DJ Jaime (Jaime )

  • Been Out For a While.. 2005-03-03 17:52:19 Hey, Haven't here in this journal for a while now...
    Well, Since I watched "Whisper Of The Beast" I havent progressed anything on my AMV, and I've already edited more than two minutes and a half..

    My aunt is getting married next week, and some guys from Vancouver are coming on Tuesday, this event is kinda cool since ill get to see my relatives who live in Mexico City.. However, just the idea of it makes me snore, since well have to go to another city on Friday T.T

    Oh well, That's all for now.

  • Hey! 2005-02-20 09:13:41 Well, I never received any e-mail or anything ;----;

    But oh well... Hey Keo! Where are you trying to get your clips from? and btw, Where did you get the clips for 2:31 to 2:40 in your "I want to be the one you wanted me to be" video?

  • One Year Already 2005-02-16 19:05:25 Yay! WooHoo! Guess what happened exactly one year ago?!?!?!?!
    I joined this site on February 16, 2004 :P

    I still can't believe i've been a member of this org. for one year already, I'm really happy since I've improved a lot in my editing skills ( Oh, and also my english has gotten better =P )

    I'm gonna check my e-mail right now (I've always wondered if you receive a "Congrats e-mail" when this happens)

  • 50 Ops. 2005-02-07 16:36:23 Yay! I've just received my 50th op. =D
    I feel really happy since I never thought I would reach this limit :'(

    Let's go for the 100th one! :P

  • Hmm.. 2005-02-04 20:51:25 I'm at a friend's place atm, its kinda cool (since Im gonna spend the night here with 2 other friends) and everything's fine =P

    But the only problem is that my friend has a 56k connection T.T

    Oh well, anyway, It's weekend! Yay! WooHoo! 
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 08:44:25