Chihiro-San (Lupita Moon)
2004-04-17 00:12:43
Me and Jr. got mad at each other, I dont know why! well it all started with me and my bf , He was all "I heard what you and did together". I was OH NO!! I asked "what?" he said "That he did you, 3x's" OMG. What the hey! why did he tell him that? why? I did no such thing. Then he walked away. I was so sad why? did he tell him that? I went over to Jr's house, to ask why. This is how the conversation went:
"Why did u say that?"
"'Cause I wanted to"
"'Cause I can"
"Now he is mad at me!"
"What? ok I want you to break up"
"WHY? *sniff*"
"I dont know"
****started raining*******
"How can u not know!!!"
"I am mad at you, leave"
Then he shut the door. I was so confused. Why? what? I crossed the street tomy bf's house. He was just sitting on the couch. I told him what happened and said he was sorry. Ok now isnt talking to me. I saw him leave the house later, I walked out in the rain to catch up. He just kept walking. I was drenched when I caught up. I asked "why? are u mad at me?" He looked at me then just said " go inside, u are going to get sick" and he left. I was crying when I caught up. But, I dont know why!. He did talk about me and I should be mad. But, I dont know. He means to much to me
2004-04-02 13:09:34
April fool. I called my bf and I told him I was breaking up with him. 'Cause I like jr. hahahahah...................We almost did break up.almost . we hooked up afterwards
2004-03-23 17:34:46
lately me and my bf have had some trouble. he is being so distant. I dont really understand why, but I guess it is because JR. (guy that is really weird to be around with ) is getting on his case, that he is being a bad bf, but I dont think so , it isnt all about kissing and touching eah other when u are going out, it is about, being with one another to enjoy the company. Have something in common. And to make things worse. My Bf thinks I still like my ex. He made me cry when he started asking me all these questions about him. I dont cry because I like him.I cryed because I miss him. (hes in juvi) Well, Jr. says if he my bf keeps being all distant and making me cry to dump him. And go out with him.But I know better, he just wants to play with me and leave me. But I guess, I dont know, I wish I had common sense
jr cont
2004-03-14 18:31:54
that they had fought because one of them hit the other with his had, darn little kids. Well later we started to play together. But then he hit me with aq towel. SO , me being me chased him, all the way down the street ( i live in the getto, down my street there is a factorie.) Then he knoked me down. and go on top of me. He wouldnt get off!!! omg, then i manahed to get him off hten he hit me again and tried (tried nope to retarted to jump.) the factorie gate. I pulled him down, and yeah he fell on me....grr.....dude he stated to lift my shirt, he just got off because I hit him with my head on the nose... Darn latere the next day he told the guy i like that he almost raped me I was "OMG U LIAR" but yeah no one belived him every time I see him its weird.
2004-03-12 13:22:29
On saturday evening I was playing mete-gol (Like soccer only one team and u score on the golie, then u are the golie) But then I heard from my neighbor that there was a fight at the park between Javier and Christo (They are in the 4th grade) I was astonoshed why had they fought? He was telling me
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