JOURNAL: dillpops (Pippa )

  • Well... 2004-08-24 08:03:41 Um, hey guys, long time no see!

    I think that my inspiration is linked to watching AMV's, I've been on a dry-out for months and I haven't seen an AMV for around half a year until last night. I saw three good ones in a row, I just felt like picking up a pen and writing. it's as if seeing something that gets my emotions going just makes me creative, be it art, writing or what.

    Thanks for it ^__^ 
  • Uh huh... 2004-03-27 06:49:35 Must. Resist. Must. Not. Like. It. Ugh.

    Can't handle it.

    I like JC from N*S*Y*N*C's solo song...what ever it's called. It's just...addictive. everytime I see it on TV I'm just like 'must' and I have no idea why! Maybe because it just seems so spoof-like at the same time as being serious and he just looks so goofy! I think it has more style than Justin's debut which was a little Micheal Jackson for me...

    Just cried a lot at the last episode of Sex and the City *won't spoil* it was good. I like, I like, I like. Saw a bit of the Meaning of Life by Monty Python too, good stuff, good stuff.

    I feel like writing some fanfiction...  
  • Meh... 2004-03-27 06:49:13 Wow, I just downloaded the TWO-MIX box set Categorhythm and the best part has to be the ballad cd. I never knew TWO-MIX could do this sort of stuff, it's pretty good. I like this better than their hyper, hyper groove stuff. Definately.

    I wish this box set was still available ;_;
  • And again... 2004-03-14 12:10:11 Must remember, must remember, must remember: tylerl82  
  • So... 2004-03-14 11:37:40 Next journal entry: I really want to make an AMV...

    *loves complaining* 
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