JOURNAL: twiztedclown666z (Zero )

  • spring break 2005-03-21 23:46:09 its monday of spring break... i went to the beech and didnt do shit. it was boaring. soooo, um i cant get ahold of my firends that arent gone for the week... it sux. so far this week is pritty shitty (that should be a song) 
  • happy new year 2005-01-01 04:38:19 its is 4:45 AM and i dont sleep mutch anymore. i have more anime; samuri x and the new naruto volume 4. i didn go to the new year party i was going to go to cuz my grandparents were in town and i wanted to spend some time with them. on monday i should be going to the movies and having a 3 way with some hot 8th graders. im not as excited as i should be... i dont kn ow why... any ways, i found out that from 2 AM to 6 AM thare are jap, eng. subbed. anime movies on almost every night. Im watching it right now, but i think im gana go to bed soon... so with that ill take my leave

  • Holey shit it's been a wile 2004-09-27 22:46:30 GOOD MORNING!!! I havent been on this sight in a wile, i was looken shit up and then im like humm, i wonder if i remember my AMV account... i didnt but i got a new password and the same name and now im back. i have a shit load of anime; Naruto, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Love Hina, and Tenchi. (the complete set of all of them) um... i still havent got to go out with Miro-san yet, though i think we might soon.... no i dont. we have had about 4 hurricanes in the past mounth and a half. i was grounded for a weile and i just got grounded again and this realy fucken sucks. I had a birthday and i got a Bass Guitar, about $100.00 total, and a good blowjob. I'v been realy getting into alot of hentai the past frw weeks, and i dont realy know why. O well, Naruto is now my faverot anime and I need the last 10 episodes of it.... Naruto is about to fight Gaara and it stopped right when they are finished talking. I'm in 2 bands right now, because I am so damn good. Humm... well that was a good way to restart my journal so ill end it at that. 
  • hay im back 2004-08-03 18:37:05 im about to go back to school soon so i gotta go to this orientation in like 10 minuts, so i gotta hurry up. well i am juts...blah today and i had a pritty crapy summer(other than the time i got to see miro's chest, that was pritty cool). we got lockers this year, one step closer to becoming a littler coolre. they said that they will get a gym sence i was in 5th grade and they still havent even put a brick down... i realy dont wana go to school this yeah, im a high schooler and everyone as all over me maken shure that i do good and shit but thay know that ima fuck it up so i dont see what they are so damn worried about. if i get a's and b's this year i can go to mount dora high with all of my real friedns. oh god private schools suck puppy nuts. ok ima go so ill right later. 
  • ellen, slu, blagh.... 2004-07-09 11:13:23 my fat friend, ellen was sapost to see me at the library but her sister got sick and she cont come so im just sitting heer, board as fuck and typ[ing away at the comuter. i saw a good video game that i could rent (for free) at the library, but i had to many already checked out so i couldnt get it. sux to be me. i need food and money and no one cares. im going to the slu thing this monday and tomoro im getting cloths so that no one yells at me for waring "evil, gothicky" cloths. even though im not gothic, they wont beleave me. i have to get up at 6:15 one moarning and that will kill me. im thinken of just not sleepen that night and ill be able to get up as early as i want and the next night i can get to sleep early.... thare are a few hot femails buy me attacking a 10yo... its kinda funny their playen golf on the computer. buy the way im at the library. humm, a long entry today. wow well i STILL cant find out how to see my comments and i STILL cant download any of tha amv's on this sight, i found out a way to get em on the comp. but i need a codec thingy or some shit like that.... i dont know.  
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 13:06:34