JOURNAL: twiztedclown666z (Zero )

  • today i wanted to kill 2004-03-17 15:27:58 today i was in a bad mood and the kids at school didnt make it any better. i hate them all they need to be gassed or stabbed or something that kills them dead. ok now that thats out... im eating some realy good popen corn. i wana go to monicas house (mirogie) but she isnt picken up the phone so she might be not home.. i got 13 days till i can dl theas amvs i think its too long but thats ok cuz it will be cool when i get em. i leave you with this and dont forget it... "when ever you see i kid getting beat up, dont help him/ her he will come to your house every day or tap at you window or something.... it sux ass" thank you 
  • this is new to me 2004-03-16 22:21:57 hay, this is my 1st journal... even though all my frends got blurty i like this one cuz no one can reed it till i tell em. im getten 26 episodes of trigin for $20.00. their jap. but have eng. subs. so thats cool. im realy hot right now... (youll never heer me complain that im cold). i woke up with 3 pimples in a triangle so i called it the "Tirangle of Love". i cant wate for the 2 weex to be up so i can start doing everything i wana do. when i get the movies then ima make a lot of amv's they'll suck but i dont care ill like tham and thats all that counts so fuck you all. im thinken of doing an icp song with the anime thing, if i pull it off it will be kool. if you happen to fing this entry and wana talk my aim thing is twiztedclown666z jus add me and wate till i get on, but dont wate too long cuz then your a stalker. umm that was a good 1st.. 1.5 entry dont you think. shut the fuck up i thought it was.
  • 2 weeks 2004-03-16 19:55:34 i jus found out that i gota wate 2 weeks until i can dl anything... damn. I jus started this amv thing cuz i wanta make some of my own, and check out what other people made.... my bro wants to get on so ill be bak in a lil bit and keep writing. 
Current server time: Jan 07, 2025 13:21:43