JOURNAL: maricela (Angelica & Maricela Reynoso)

  • whiteash 2006-07-27 23:13:36 I understand what you are telling me, you are trying to cheer me up. ^^; You tell me alot of people like my vid, (I had no idea your friends like my vid too? ) its just that I don't get many comments for my vids & when I do most are bad ones.  
  • Whiteash & Ayanefan 2006-07-27 22:53:40 O_o Whiteash is mad at me ^^;

    Thank you ^_________^ Ayanefan

    # 2006-07-27 22:45:19Yowie! That was Yaoi! Well, there's nothing wrong with the way you create your vids, you seem to have a knack for some cinematics and tend to follow music video production guides (well, at least it reminded me of a backstreet boys video I once saw). Anyway, you have good structure and are consistent in the presentation (or theme). Now, the only drawback is the video quality and the lip synch (if you were not trying to do lip synch then I apologize) ;-) . Anyway, no complaints other thand the capture quality and lip. -Ayanefan 
  • JaddziaDax 2006-07-27 22:06:58 So its not only me... but everyone else too. -_- 
  • A bad comment for Saiyuki, Loveless & Araiso: Can't say 2006-07-27 21:59:51 2006-07-27 00:20:15 I did like it, but if I were to see it at a convention, I would forget it as soon as the next one came on. Nothing really stood out about it to say it was unique or special.

    I know I am not good enough. Nobody like my AMVs, because I always have to be beging people to give me opinions. The only reason why opinion average received is high is because of my older sister & my brother who used to give me opinions, because they love my vid so much. I told them to stop giving me opinions because it just isn't right them giving me opinions all the time. I feel really bad & a shame of my AMV making skills. Only youtube like my AMVs, but like other people say youtube don't know anything about AMV making. -_- Even the worst vid can be the best to them.  
  • DivineQueenYeiweh 2006-07-27 20:13:49 I am downloading your vid right now! ^^ 
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