maricela (Angelica & Maricela Reynoso)
My downloads
2006-02-14 22:03:03
Average Star Rating Given By You: 4.72
Your Star Distribution
rating count
5 = Far above average 1663
4 = Above average 60
3 = Average 161
2 = Below average 22
1 = Far below average 22
am I nice or what?
Thank you ^_^
2006-02-14 00:20:15
Quick Comments For: tribute to Goku & Sanzo
2006-02-13 21:26:135 stars. I love it very much. ^^ -WhiteAsh
2006-02-13 19:15:25^^ I really liked it, the sync was good, and the clips were really well picked.
2006-02-13 19:25:27
Thank you so very, very, much. you are a great person that understands. ^_^
A good friend. ^_^ arigatou
I just got a quick comment ^_^
2006-02-13 19:19:03
Who was it who give me this comment was it NeneSan?
Quick Comments For: tribute to Goku & Sanzo
* 2006-02-13 19:15:25^^ I really liked it, the sync was good, and the clips were really well picked.
whiteash (Carolyn Steven)
2006-02-13 19:15:58
ok. thank you for understanding my pain. ^_^
Current server time: Jan 24, 2025 03:33:43