ericb35 (Eric B)
bored again ....
2002-08-20 16:51:14
"who put the bomp in the bomp dah bomp dah bomp
who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong
who put the dip in the dip dah dip dah dip ..."
downloading some oldies mp3s after watching a commerical for time life's Doo Woop collection volume 1. man those are some good songs. i wonder why no one uses those songs? i mean like almost everyone's hear "who put the bomp" at one time or another. i think ill make a video using "rama lama ding dong" and "hold me, thrill me, kiss me" by mel carter. if someone has amvs using older songs, i'd definately like to see them.
thinking about starting my own studio, but it'd be a one man venture. im gonna scope out the anime club on campus when school starts, maybe there are some amv people there.
damn it, my flipping burner is busted! and this time it looks like its for good. for some damn reason when its about to burn it won't read the blank cd as a writeable cd. jeez.
summer school is going ok. circuits is a lot more interesting than i thought it would be.
my a's are hot again. it looks like its gonna be a great race in the AL west. my roomie is a die hard angels fan and he's gonna get real annoying. i had a dream that the a's didn't make it and the angels did. man that would suck.
well time to finish the circuits homework.
finshed two videos ... sorta
2002-06-03 22:17:03
finished two videos! well sorta. i just finished my tribute to episode 11 of Love Hina. it's called "Naru's Famous Now" to Reel Big Fish's "She's Famous Now." theres nothing special about this video, but i do work on my lip synching. this one was just for shits and giggles. i've had a lay out for this video for the last three months and its nice that it finally materialized. it actually turned out better than i expected!
second video i finished was my "That Love Hina Swing" video. this is the third time i've revamped it and i must say it turned out pretty well. basically we get to see keitaro pummelled ... but with sound! there's nothing like hearing naru get pissed and the sound effects of keitaro getting punished.
well thats all for the amv news ....
now for random babbling!
i wish i got to meet more amv people at fanime. i really enjoy amvs and i guess this journal is my only outlet.
finished 3-3 at the volleyball grass tourney this weekend. thats pretty good considering i had a 15 game losing streak last year.
ants are invading my house. they are now officially the 7th tenant.
its hot. very hot. im getting very lazy. lazier than before.
thank god the kings lost. im glad i don't have to hear all those damn kings fans anymore. their season ended much the same as the warriors -- no championship. that im happy for.
thats all for now. later!
A new day ... sorta speak
2002-05-22 19:41:23
well i finally finished my UC Davis volleyball video. well finished isn't really the right word. i had a somewhat finished copy aired at our banquet but all my ideas and hopes never materialized. it doesn't help that a third of it was done a couple of hours before.
well the video turned out ok, but there were some problems. in my haste, some of the transitions were backwards. i had to cut out some good parts. it was a mess. i missed the first portion of the banquet trying to get it done. well its over with, make a nice clean copy and then move on.
so this is a new day. no more video. back to AMVs.
well if you read this and think im somewhat interesting please email me. i wish i met some AMV people at fanime because i don't have anyone to talk to.
im having doubts on whether to make another version of "that love hina swing" for any competitions. i think i might just make one for the fun of it. i think ill actually try to distribute that one by putting money into web hosting.
speaking of web hosting, i can't wait for golden donut to get off the ground. im ready to unload some dough. i have some concerns about the process though ...
oh well thats all for now.
bored again so i guess im gonna ramble ...
2002-05-14 04:50:23
well, i guess i need a break. why do i even write this? is anyone actually gonna read this? or am i just too bored? oh well, since i've already started i might as well go on.
no amvs at the momement. everything is on hold for my UC Davis men's volleyball video. this is gonna be a b!#@h. i've got to finish it by sunday night. basically here's the deal. with episode II coming out, i decided to do a star wars theme. its basically a recap of our entire season. im still capturing clips, though i've got a chunk of it done. i've only gotten footage for 7 matches, so thats 15 or so matches to go. its gonna be like 4 or 5 amvs strung together, so this looks like to be a long weekend.
and i have a nonclassical physics midterm on thursday.
i can't wait to start working on my revision of "that love hina swing." i've decided to rebuild it from scratch. since its an instrumental, i plan to add a little extra to it.
just played some basketball and i am out of shape. volleyball never got me in shape. i was sucking air after one full court game. and the court awareness aint there. everything seems to be moving fast.
i am getting old. very old. at the old age of 20 my knees feel like they're about to give way. i have to take 600mg of ibuprofen before i do anything.
started downloading some video game music. brings back the memories.
if you've read up to here, then you must be bored too. im talking out of my ass right now.
i hate the kings. god i hate them. i could write an entire essay on how i came to hate the kings the last three months. ill save that for later.
god damn those avs. now the sharks/avs series notched at 3, it'll be a great game 7. but ... i have a midterm thursday morning! decisions, decisions.
soda is not good for you.
milk tastes good.
i am sleepy. good night.
Fanime 2002
2002-04-29 20:03:03
came back from fanime and i would have to say i fared pretty well. my "That Love Hina Swing" video made it to the finals of the comedy category! i was so pumped that it just made it to the semi finals! the eventual winner was another love hina video called "Tarzan and Suu" and it went on to win best overall. so hey, i can say i came in a distant 2nd, right? got some good ideas on how to improve it so i plan to enter it in anime-expo, the grand daddy of them all.
i can't believe i missed the AMV panel with Brad DeMoss, Justin Emerson, and J. Osborne! damn traffic!
overall, a great weekend for my first convention. go the the convention center, watch some anime, buy some anime. watch some more and then sleep in the car for a couple of hours and do it all over again.
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