JOURNAL: hymnofthefayth (Laura )

  • geez 2004-11-02 20:32:00 my first day all week where i haven't seen my bf. it's been torture for both of us, lol.

    I'm upset because i can't vote today. if i could vote, i'd vote for kerry because i agree with most of his views, esp one's on gay marriage and pro-choice; i have friends effected by these, and i can do nothing but support them.

    i have a latin test tomorrow, along with a field trip to see Miss Saigon at a dinner theatre with the theatre kids. it's going to be so much fun.

  • oh, wow 2004-11-01 01:17:32 Today was a great day, went out to the park with my bf then went to his house and hung out. I had alot of fun. no one really knows we're together yet, only a few close friends, so we're trying to think of a way to tell/shock everyone. we're off school til tuesday, and we have a field trip to a dinner theatre on wednesday, so we're thinking of just being together and acting like it's normal, just to confuse them.

    i have been very tired lately because i've been up very late. i need to start going to bed earlier, but it's just too hard!

    reached my 10th lb lost the other day. very pleased

    now my foot is asleep so i'm stopping now 
  • edit 2004-10-31 01:41:07 ok, sorry, now it's boyfriend. Happy?

    lol, just kidding, tyler 
  • lol 2004-10-31 00:33:12 had an interesting day. got up at 10:30, got ready, and went to my guyfriend's house.... oh, excuse me, BEST guyfriend's house. Or whatever he wants me to call him today. Since he has access to this account, he most likely will change my profile again to read anything he wants to say.

    After hanging with him, I went to work. I hated it. Every minute of it, i didn't want to be there. Ha.

    Now I'm online, talking to you and talking to my friend on the phone. Multi-tasking!

    Lately, I haven't made any new vids, I'm planning on a new one to Virgil's "Got You Where I Want You" because I like that song fairly much.

    That's about it. 
  • hello my friends 2004-10-26 17:10:10 And again, I find myself down in the dumps. No reason why either. i'm just a little lonely or whatever. nothing really new.

    Nice day today. Went on a field trip to College Park for Latin Day, then had practice, now I'm home, hanging out.  
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