Stryyder (John )
2006-03-21 12:45:05
/phears the "new vid on the Block - NGE numanuma style"
2006-03-21 12:44:25
Fullmetal Alchemist episode 37. Havok almost goes on a blind date with Armstrong's sister and the image he imagines of her is the equivalent of Armstrong in a Dress, lol (with mustache). As well, unless you are looking for BLANTANT crossdressing, Strawberry Eggs is always good.
2006-03-20 20:36:47
No prob. As big a FMA fan as I am I just had to op it.
Progress report - finished pre-editing on my JJMEP segment. Gonna put on the finishing touches and compress it tomoz
Too much editing
2006-03-20 16:36:51
well, another 1/3 preediting done on my JJMEP vid. Gotta take a break avery 30 min. or so to keep sanity. However I take solace in the fact that I get to start singing tonight, w00t! Community choir + Stryyder + showtunes = happiness.
2006-03-20 16:03:58
Thanks jub, shouldn't be a problem (though I may have to letterbox it if I end up using footage from the movie). Got about 1/3 finished. The song is only about 50 seconds but it's pretty fun so far.
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