Revenance (Chase Smith)
Why the hell not!?: A Long Journal Entry
2009-05-06 17:29:13
Like most of my journal entries I probably wont post one for another 6 months or a year but I guess that puts me due for one.
I recently stumbled upon a video on youtube, Its an amazingly well done AMV done by Acerunner007. He probably posts and contributes here but I'm not gonna bother looking it up right now as I have some other things to do and shouldnt even be online at the moment.
Anyways, I critiqued the video and I felt it got some really high marks. I made some comments and he really didnt like it. I got the feeling when he responded to me that I was some scrub that didnt know how to give a critique. I left positive feedback as well as constructive (not negative) feedback and he seemed to be angry with me. Of course, some of the critique may have been off since it was youtube rather than a storing the video locally then watching it like i typically do.
Thats whats happened recently and what has brought me back to the site. I spose I should come and watch vids more frequently... I always say I'm going to do that and never seem to get around to it. I am so lazy. =/
In other news, I drove down to see my girlfriend of 3 months. Shes going to college in Eugene, Oregon. I have seen pictures of her but the ones shes given me gave her a much better appearance than I had thought. So I've been faced with a dilema. I really like her. I like her alot, love her even. But I just dont find her physically attractive. It makes me feel unbelievably shallow. I've been trying to decide what I should do and I cant help but find myself stalling. To complicate matters, she was raped a couple years ago, her brother used to beat her, she was an alcoholic, and she used to cut herself. She takes anti-depressants but im pretty sure if i were to leave her something bad would happen. Its going to take some careful thought.
The trip to see her took 14 and a half hours there and 20 hours on the way back. I took a different route on the way back and ended up getting a ticket in Truckee, CA which is near the Nevada state border. The ticket bothers me a bit but not that much. Kind of like an inconvenience more than anything.
I got back home and slept and dear sweet god, I needed it. I found that my WoW account has been unbanned (I just do 60 twinking, no more endgame content for me, takes too much time). So I am gonna go level my druid sometime today for awhile. I also found that Blizzcon tickets are going on sale and I will make an attempt to purchase them. Whats odd about that is I'm really only going to have a good time with my friends, not really to enjoy Blizzcon. The last Blizzcon should have been renamed Linecon and it was hella terrible. If I go this year I'm not buying anything because they will have it in the Blizzard store.
Gonna watch Star Trek sometime this weekend I think. And I need to pay Orry $100 for that debt I owe him so long ago. No big, pay check is coming up and I have a few other bills as well. Overall, its been a nice month and is shaping up to be rather nice.
an AMV a day keeps the...
2008-01-09 09:16:01
Picked a random song from my iTunes and decided to watch an AMV of it. Watched Ladies and Gentlemen to Naruto. I forget the creator already but it was pretty good. I bet it got few opinions but it was well worth the watch.
Watching something on the top 10% of music videos. Fires in the sky or some such. I think it was number 2 or 3 on the list. It was fairly good. I think it only made 8 on my scale though.
Unfortunately, I think because the mob loves naruto alot of vids are put up on a pedestal for things for more lackluster than they deserve. Vice versa, vids can be treated badly because there is little originality in them so you must compensate through other talents.
2007-03-17 17:18:28
I cant stop saying this over and over. The god damned video seems to be stuck in my head. Arfgh!!!
200 ops
2006-05-02 00:00:42
My original goal was to beat shinji but due to time constraints and addictions such as World of Warcraft I was unable to do this. Still, I was able to get 200 ops today. For those who dont know an op is an opinion. Yeh, its that thing that you prolly dont write. Yeh, I write those. Anyways, as I did with my 100 ops I will give some stats based on my downloads:
- You have downloaded 193 local videos totaling 7.63 GiB.
- Average Star Rating Given By You: 2.86
5 = Grade A 12
4 = Grade B 38
3 = Grade C 70
2 = Grade D 57
1 = Grade F 16
- Donation Level: Partaker (Participant)
- Usefulness: 154.3 with 201 opinions
I not only write ops I also grade banners. Just something I do to try to enjoy the site a bit more. Thanks to everyone whose videos I have op'd. Even if it was terrible (or good) without you here, I wouldnt be writing this.
Dude you're getting a dell! ...Wait! Where have you been!?
2004-08-11 01:05:45
First lets start off with the good news. I am getting a new computer. Its a dell and I am most pleased with the model I have chosen and the extras I added to it. It is a Dell 8600. Its got a Radeon graphics card a processor over 3.0 ghz 516 of RAM and like 160 gigs of memory. Perfect for someone like me who plays alot of games, doesnt have much music, and downloads a schload of anime. I might end up adding more to the hard drive later but it depends on how much I actually transfer in my next LAN party. I have also given my computer a name. Dreamscape™. It seems perfect for my computer and I think its going to be a male.
I am also going to be more active in the org now. I've had alot of problems with my girlfriend and have suffered alot of depression as of late so I decided that I will bury some of my sorrows while writing ops. I will peak over 200 tomorrow or so, of that I am confident. For those who dont know I want to write the most ops ever. If you want your vid (or even all of them) opped just contact me through the forums or on aim or msn and I will gladly op them for you. Ive decided when I finally do get the most ops I will call the top the "Frozen Throne" after a warcraft 3 reference that seems to fit my name quite well. Anyways, thanks for reading my journal and if talk to me as Im depressed. Thanks AIM: Phrostmourne ZX
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:09:36