Damn does time fly...
2004-05-20 03:20:07
Wow... I can't believe it's been over two years since I last accessed this site and did something like... updating. These past two years have been... shall we say... a bit hectic. College, surgery, separating from the military, and illness seem's to have taken up too much of my time these past two years. And what's bad about it all is the fact it all went by so fast and in such a blur.
I can't help but notice how much I have changed in that time frame. Things from how I act to how I think have changed quite a bit. I'm almost in shock just thinking about it. I wonder if I would have ever gotten into making AMV's if I was the way I am now back then. Growing up sucks... it really does. Hell, i'm only 24 but I've done or seen more than most people will in their whole lives. It gives you one hell of an opinion about life. It also tends to be painful. I look back and can't help but yearn for my late teenage years when I first got in the military. Oh the fun I had.... bah! I really, Really, REALLY hate civilian life....
Dear god I sound like an old fart... someone needs to hand me a glass of "Shut the hell up and type something worth reading".
Anyways, having been away from making vids for over 2 years... I'm actually starting to have the urge to make them again. But at the same time I don't want to. Much like my drive to take in everything anime. I use to be SOOOO friggan into it... but now, it just doesn't seem to spark that interest it use to. I think a lot of it has to do with just how big anime has gotten in the US. It's somewhat spoiled it for me. Bah, here I go again complaining.
Well... nothing constructive in this entry... big surprise there. I'm gone for two years and this is my first entry... way to go slick... way to go...
Current mood.... really, REALLY confused/sad/annoyed/numb
Current song..... "Winter in my heart" by VAST (Nude album)
Were cookin with fire now!
2002-01-18 16:39:00
Finally got ahold of my server company and got them to change a few things around so now the site finally works. Yay!! Now I can relax a bit.
In other news, found out my latest project (the remake of "The Pain Of Ryoko's Heart") has been screwed somewhat. Didn't realize while capturing video that the computer had goofed and was capturing with the video WAAAAAAAAY ghosted... and for all you MV creator's out there, I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about. Now I have to go back through the video and edit it frame by frickin frame... oh how fun!! *grumble, grumble*
Give the site a looksy seeing as how it's back up. ^_-
Still movin...
2002-01-17 10:19:12
Server is still given me a problem. Though I finally managed to work out the problem with the domain pointer (it's amazing what happens when you get someone on the phone who actually know's what the fuck they are talking about and does EXACTLY what I tell him to do). Now if only I can get my server company to get their routing fixed then things will work correctly. I'm really begining to hate this move more and more everyday. I've recieved about 15 e-mails a day minimum complaining the site is down. Geez... I know this people...
Also found out today that ANOTHER surgery is more or likely going to be added to my list of "Surgery's to do". Seems I may have to have surgery on my left shoulder to fix a badly torn rotator cuff from about a year ago. We're now up to a total of 4 surgery's in a one month period... /sigh My life just seems to get better everyday... -_-
Hopefully, at lunch today I can get everything finally fixed dealing with the server issue. So give this link a try sometime around 1 o'clock to 3 o'clock and see if it works. If not, it should be good to go tomorrow.
I hate server moving...
2002-01-16 10:46:34
Bloody hell this move is taking too damn long... my domain name pointer and my new server seem to be having some compatibility problems and it's getting to be a real big headache trying to fix it. Guess the site will stay down for a couple more days and I'll have to deal the the usual e-mail's complaining they can't access the site.... grrrrr.....
OH YES! BTW... having your checking account hacked and someone pulling money out of it without your approval really sucks... if I ever get my hands on this person or person's, I'm gonna put them in the hurt locker for a very long period of time...
Surgery on my right arm went well it seems, I'll know withen about 2 months if it actually worked. I also go back into surgery this next week for my left arm and my throat... damn, I'm just a surgery messed up mofo...
Back to work, back to work... /sigh (I'd rather be playin EQ)
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:01:36