JOURNAL: Cho_Hakkai (---- McDonald)

  • jeese 2004-10-01 15:36:27 Just vote on 81 banners. Bloody hell. One pissed me off. Sense my mind in fractured like noone knows. I'll rant aout it. Basically it said this " .wmv a videos little way of telling you that's not very good." More or less that. Now anyone that has seen my vids know that all of them are wmv now they're not a;l that good but still. I may not be able to all thge cool effgects that others can. So my videos are good based on the intention and execustion. I don't need no fancy effects. Don't get me wrong those effects are cool and i'd use them if i could. But what makes a video good is the thought and effort behind it, not the effects. That stuff is just decoration.

    Well now that the dirty buisness is over. I made a new video. I seaw to the gods and all Bhudda that it made sense when i started to make it. For soem reason lately i can't sleep and i have been getting really bored at night. Whats a person to do. Candy is all i can say. i have to decide what I'm going to do for thanksgiving holiday. I don;t really want to go to nevada. But the only other options are staying home alone or staying in a motel. Both have pluses but I'm not sure. My family doesn't care. Not sure what that means. thats fate for a criminal.

    Ravashing rain. Pointless obveration. Justice. 
  • strange days 2004-09-28 21:24:35 I made a new video, yay, but it was for some one who 's never sdeent the show. I sit here listening and dancing to the openbing song of stellvia. Great bloody song. My work place a theatre was stuck by lightning, and every one is all crazed and whiny. i can't give them simpanthy. I've been hit by lightning. So they pain is nothing to compare to. FLay higher. I've becoe obsessed with pyro kinetics. And i want to go kill wookies. I'm looking foward to all hallows eve. I got some exlax ready. My advice is if your 17+ wear a bloody costume or its the exlax. Well i've run out of buts to say. 
  • heavy sigh 2004-09-25 01:53:27 Apperently i have a good voice for shakespear. Why? He's boring most of the time. I took a 29 line long monolog and condenced it to 4 sentences. Using shut-up twice. Willie-boy is just to fond of himself. Well he's dead so i don't care. I just bad from my vacation not a week ago and i need another one. Cliche i know. But oh well. I need to go burn my eye sockets out. There needs to be an age minimun on cosplay, and i will not elaborate further on the issue. So have your relatives spayed and nuetered, Thank you. 
  • Want a less bitchy entry? 2004-09-23 23:51:19 Too bad. I've only just know hit 240. Being a genius is a lot of hard work. No I'm kidding it's a bloody breeze. I goof off during class and never do homework, And i have a 3.4 average. Not to great but considering i"m lazy, it's damn good. I fannelly posted the video i made a week ago. ow a i have ideas i have not a clue what to do with. I want to a a yuri-centric one, to counter the yaoi ones of late. But I'm stuck on what anime to use. Utena seems so ovious. So dream a little dream within a dream. 
  • who am i? 2004-09-15 02:49:37 I hate people. why? Cause their dumb and useless. I was at the book store (homya) and it was less than an hour to closeing. Why was i there? Well i know like half the people that work there, sort of a privlage. This woman comes in asking for a series of books that she saw in 1997. Asking the poor register girl to search both her shop and the other one in the city. The woman then told, i do mean told like a command, the girl to look while she went to eat dinner. Now there is like only 45 or less minuets till the sop closes. And the girl did it. And who on earth goes to a BOOK store looking for a poster. Maybe there we'll be beer there.(inside joke for my japanese class.) ANd why in all that is hioly or unholy in the plane of excistance would some one do a political satire piece of performance art ON election day. If you haven't decided who to vote for in election day, don't vote. It is pointless. And anyways the only people who would see the show are stauch Bush haters, exsept for me the lone voice of reason in a sea of insanity. Now that's scary when I, Mister Emotionless sociopath, is the sanest one in the room. Okay thats not true. But at leaste I know I'm Nutters. World domination.

    Gonna take a short break here.

    Ahhh, thats good sugur. So is any one here from Jersey? Um, nevermind. this one time.

    Oh, shoot this is still on. Um good nigth all. 
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