JOURNAL: bob790 (Robert Green)

  • Some Kind of Angel 2004-11-18 09:49:21 Ok I got bored of waiting for Chris to run filters on my AMV and uploaded it anyway. Feel free to download and enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it... that's not *my* problem.

    I got Half Life 2 and after only 26 hours of fighting with steam got it to run. The result is that my next video is going to take a while to produce. I know what it will be and I even convinced Sadie to photoshop some stuff to improve it.

    I really wish I had after effects. 
  • 250! 2004-11-11 11:21:47 Two hundred and fifty downloads of Everybody's Free.

    I would like to take this opertunity to thank those of you who gave me high star ratings on it. Thank you. Those of you who gave me low ratings, leave an opinion so I know how to improve, I don't care if you're rude I'm rude all the time.

    The rest of you, go download it. Now. Let's see if we can hit 500 downloads before Minotaur gets back with my latest ^_^ 
  • The driest of holes 2004-11-08 11:07:42 Well I asked the forum for useful opinions and got... One person who wanted to do an exchange. Obviously I'd have agreed if he had given me useful and or helpful suggestions rather than "Some scenes need to be better placed" which wouldn't be enough on a full op and certainly doesn't help me to develop this one prior to release.

    So I've taken the position of "Screw you" and have given the video to Minotaur to run through a bunch of filters to improve the video quality. When I get it back I'll put it up and start getting low scores. I predict one of the first 3 star ratings I get will be a 1 or a 2. I will then look to start work on a new video. 
  • Beta days ahead 2004-11-05 10:14:22 I've got a low quality complete draft of my latest video set up for download and a link on the forum. Hopefully sometime over the weekend someone will have the genorosity to download it and tell me where I've gone wrong. The biggest problems are always the ones that you can't see. In this case probably the first problem is choosing that combination of anime and music. ^_^

    But if you get the time and feel like helping me out please download the file and leave a comment. Constructive comments be they negative (eg "That scene is too slow") or positive (eg "Don't change that scene it's perfect") will always be useful when tweaking the video for it's final release. The final release will be on Tuesday or Thursday next week depending on how much needs to be changed. 
  • And the winner is... 2004-11-04 06:58:44 No one. I know there are Bush supporters out there. Most notably Osama Bin Laden, without whose support Bush would never have won a second term. But as an independant observer in another country I can not see this as anything other than a disaster for the world. A man who tries to reduce middle east terrorism by conquering a middle eastern country is clearly misinformed, stupid, evil or a combination of the above. The only people to gain anything from this victory are Bush and his financers.

    Enough about polotics.

    I have thirty seconds of AMV left to fill. The trouble is while the words of the song tie in very easily with the series there are one or two guitar riffs that have no connection to the feel or style of the show. It's going to take a lot of thought and episode scanning to find clips that look even half right. Another problem is that it's an OVA and therefore I'm scanning the same 3 episodes again and again hoping to find a suitable clip that wasn't there the last time I looked and probably won't be there this time either. 
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