JOURNAL: bob790 (Robert Green)

  • The only difference between me and a madman is... damn. I can't think of any 2004-11-01 09:17:42 It's been a while since I actually did much editing. But with games on the back burner and a limit on the number of DVDs I can afford, I will likely find myself spending more and more time working on AMVs. I'm learning more than I ever wanted to know about using Virtual Dub.

    Also of course this is the first time I've worked from fansubs so I'm facing a whole new set of problems to complement the old ones that have worsened. This will not be my finest work. Nor will it be acceptable quality. But I hope it turns out watchable. 
  • I'm still breathing 2004-10-29 06:02:57 By now I imagine that anyone who cared about this journal either thinks I'm dead or that I've retired from AMV creation.

    Actually I just took a break (for real this time). Mostly because using virtual dub to cut small sections from large files is a pain in the arse. But partly because I became addicted to Evil Genius and Sims 2.

    I'm ashamed to admit that such little things could stand between me and my production. But, fear not, Dyslexic Studios will rise from the ashes of my pride and prepare for a third run of videos. Or video. Probably. Certainly I'm making progress again. Look, I've done almost 20 seconds of it. Yes, I know it's meant to be three and a half minutes. Stop buggin me about it. What? I know it looks like I did the rest at a steady rate, I held the premieres of some of my videos back to hide my last break.

    They say talking to yourself is a sign of madness. So please supply the other half of the above conversation. 
  • Curse you Premiere! 2004-10-04 06:09:21 My first attempt to make an AMV using downloaded footage... I'm sorry I had to do it. I have found that Premiere refuses to use the files. As a result I either need another solution or take it as a sign that downloaded footage is bad and I should stick to using DVDs.

    I did buy Evil Genius as I threatened to and lost nine hours to it on Saturday. I just sat down and became obsessed with destroying the world.

    I came in to work this morning and found three new ops on my last AMV (only two of which I had asked for) so I consider this to be a good start to the day. 
  • And the video goes up 2004-10-01 07:09:04 Akane's Mind is available for download and has already recieved an opinion. I guess I'm doing well. The star rating is meaningless with only one person. But that will change over time. I've learned not to judge people's reactions until at least 50 have given a star rating.

    After a brief chat with darklife, I have chosen "Pathway to Paradise" as the next song from the Soul Music album. I will dig out my copy of Happy World and start editing as soon as I can bring myself to care.

    If I buy Evil Genius it will be a while before I care. If I don't Sims2 will stop me from caring. Either way I doubt I'll start on it tonight and I probably won't start on it this weekend. 
  • I guess I'm about done 2004-09-30 09:29:48 I put the second beta up on the ftp but no one seems to care enough to take a second look. Therefore I have decided to make a few final adjustments for my own sake and perform the final render tonight. Hopefully I will get the full video up on the donut tomorrow. Just in time for the weekend traffic.

    I don't know why but I can't help feeling that this isn't my finest work. It's got everything it needs to be great but it isn't. Don't get me wrong, the last amv I did was utterly pathetic, this one is just less than it should be.

    If I can be bothered I will try to start the next video tomorrow night. Unfortunately I have my Sim2 addiction, anime DVDs, Going Postal and the possibility of Evil Genius to prevent me from doing so. Provided I'm not busy with any of the above I will get ripping and sticking.

    End of Line 
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