JOURNAL: bob790 (Robert Green)

  • Time to start again 2004-07-15 10:20:48 The hardest part of making an AMV is always ripping the first clips and positioning them on the timeline. I always know what the first clips are going to be but somehow it always feels harder than I thought it would be.

    Still that's something to look forward to tonight. I just hope my doubts aren't confirmed and I end up deleting it and giving up AMVs for a couple of months to recover, like I did last time.

    I wish I could write about interesting things in my journal like other people do. Alas I have no social life and little in the way of interests outside of computers. God that's depressing to admit to. 
  • Take that creators block! 2004-07-14 05:19:24 After spending yesterday afternoon talking to darklife over MSN (thanks for that) instead of working. I was finally able to come up with a slightly fuzzy plan of action. I will use a song from the Soul Music OST for my next video (I have two possibilities one of which was the first I mentioned in my last journal entry)

    Meanwhile I will covertly aquire the DVDs of a series I'd rather people didn't know I had. In order to use it for the following AMV. The question is of course, where can I hide the discs when I'm not using them?

    It also occured to my that I spent more time at yesterday than I did working. Perhaps I should seek help.


    This AMV is likely to take a long time to make, I've got to photoshop some strips for a web comic that's in preproduction with a friend in Kent and I bought a new game a few days ago and I'm not going to give that up to work on either hobby. 
  • Still suffering creators block 2004-07-13 09:27:39 I'm seriously considering restarting an AMV I not only stop work on moths ago, but I deleted all the temporary files and reformatted my hard disc to destroy all the evidence of my having even considered making it.

    That said it had some nice touches in the 20 seconds (approx.) I managed to do on it.

    Of course I could always go back to the first ideas I ever had (sitting slightly drunk in a veiwing room at Ayacon) but they would probably prove even more unpopular than my last one. Also of course to work well they'd need multiple anime several of which I don't own. I certainly don't have the skill to do some of the effects they'd need.

    There has to be a good idea somewhere! Why isn't it one of mine? 
  • between ideas 2004-07-12 05:06:00 I've no idea what my next AMV will be, but I feel the need to start work on it (and not just because my lodger insists on watching cricket when I want to watch my anime DVDs)

    I can't decide whether to try one using downloaded footage to avoid a frame blending issue that godix brought up, or another multi-anime video which I will end up loathing because of the free time it absorbs, or if I should try and force a single series to fit a Tom Lehrer song.

    I know no one actually reads my journal, and if they did they wouldn't actually answer me. But I have to ask... Which one should I try? 
  • 2 stars from one 5 stars from the other? 2004-07-09 09:27:36 I don't know whether my Trigun AMV is any good or not. It's just gone from 1 star rating with an average of 5 to 2 star ratings with an average of 3.5.

    Can whoever gave me 2 stars please tell me what they didn't like. I need to know if I'm going to improve. No one else who's seen it has hated it, so your opinion is far more important to me than theirs. 
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