bob790 (Robert Green)
One week into my "break"
2004-09-15 09:53:12
It's been a week since I stopped working on AMVs. I've now ripped enough clips to make a reasonable video and I can't rip any more until I see where the gaps are. I'm going to busy for a while so I really won't do anymore work on it after tonight. I've even had to stop opping due to time constraints.
The trouble with working on a project in secret is that it's difficult to ask for other people's opions. I'm even more on my own than usual for this one and I honestly don't care. I've got a clear idea of how I want it to look and I'm certain that I can find a compromise using the clips available.
If I can avoid starting Premiere tonight, I will be able to actually take a break for a few more days. I ought to seek help for this addiction but I don't want to be cured yet.
Secret Diary of Bob790 aged 24 3/4
2004-09-13 11:09:39
My resolve to take a month of cracked last night and I start to rip clips for use in my next AMV. I have to wonder if I will take my time over it in order to create the impression of not working on it, or if I'm going to finish it just as quickly and upload it without warning.
When I'm ready to show it to other people I will make this and any following entries public. I admit it, I lied to you! I barely paused long enough to play through Dues Ex2 before I weakened and started making videos again.
I am seriously addicted. On the brigth side, no one else will see this entry for a while so I have no reason to make progress.
No AMV in progress
2004-09-08 10:41:39
I have come to the conclusion that it would be sensible to wait at least a month before starting another AMV. So I guess I'll see you in the forums or not at all for a while.
Consider this journal suspended until I recommence production.
It's probably time for a break
2004-09-07 04:31:08
I finished/drafted my latest AMV last night and unless I'm wrong, which by the looks of my previous thoughts I'm not, it's utter crap. It's not the worst AMV I've ever seen, I don't even think it's the worst I've produced, it's just the worst I've produced for months. I think it would be wise at this point to take a week or two off for AMV making and let the creative juices flow back. Stopping is the sensible thing to do here.
I realised this morning that I've been making AMVs for just under 6 months now and I've managed to produce ten videos. Clearly I'm working too quickly, taking a break will be good for me. I might even wait another six months before I pick it up again. This time last year I'd never even seen an AMV and now I have ten that I've made myself and ten times as many made by other people.
I'll start up a free ops thread and do some watching for a few days or weeks and then work out how long I should spend resting before I start back up again.
And the life just keeps on flowing
2004-09-06 07:10:14
Actually I guess my life isn't too bad at the moment. I'm back at work for a full week, for the first time in almost a month. I'm getting emails telling me not to use the internet for non-work-related browsing. (ie AMV org) But I've got an AMV nearly finished and my lodger is letting me near the TV once in a while.
Speaking of my AMV... it's crap. I can tell already that it's not one I'd keep if I downloaded it. Basically it's unoriginal and uninspired. I'll finish it, upload it, and forget it.
Then I'll move on to the next one.
Current server time: Jan 14, 2025 19:05:23