JOURNAL: bob790 (Robert Green)

  • One verse down X to go 2004-09-03 07:35:37 Actually I haven't even got around to watching X so it has nothing to do with my current video. I have however finished a verse somewhere near the middle of my AMV. I've worked on other verses but I haven't finished any of them yet.

    I can already tell that this will prove to be an average video with nothing to make it stand out as original. I just hope I find time to do it well or it will end up getting average scores in all areas.

    On the bright side no one else has used the song (to the best of my knowledge) and I know roughly what everything needs to look like. I just wish I had more of the series. 
  • Not quite cricket 2004-09-02 05:20:07 It amazes me sometimes just how easily plans can go wrong. I had expected to spend the evening sitting in front of my computer working on my AMV while my lodger tied up the TV with cricket. I got in just as he was switching the TV off, so I actually got to watch my DVDs which was nice.

    It means I didn't get to do much work on the video and I will have to spend this evening doing my ironing. Basically I don't expect to finish the video anytime soon.

    I imagine that's all anyone reading this could possibly care about, so I won't list all the things that bother me about my lodger and tell him directly. 
  • Back to work 2004-09-01 05:30:00 I am back at work after a long break and now must get used to the change again. I also hope I can get my AMV under way at some point in the next few days.

    Of course with several new DVDs sitting by the TV I doubt I'll feel as motivated as I once did. More when I wake up (Monday at this rate) 
  • Time to start again 2004-08-27 13:53:27 I'm going to take a break from my "Soul Music Project" and do a quick comedy that will hopefully fill the time until my Hellsing DVDs arrive.

    I'm tempted by the idea of a Sailor Moon AMV, but the series has been somewhat done to death. Both in terms of AMVs and what the dubbers did to it. The music on the other hand has barely been touched, so I feel I can justify it.

    At the moment however I'm approaching the end of a week long LAN Party and don't feel it would be polite to start ripping DVDs and/or downloading episodes and editing video files when people are preparing to start a game of No On Lives Forever 2 (Great game for multiplayer btw) or Perimeter (a little to long for my liking I've realised)

    But I might find time to start before they all get up in the morning. 
  • Her Powerzone 2004-08-25 12:56:20 Screw it I'm going to skip the second beta. The video is now available for download.

    Any opinions you feel like giving will taken in the spirit in which they are intended. 
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