bob790 (Robert Green)
<Title Witheld>
2004-08-25 06:20:30
I've made some of the changes reccomended to me by the olny person willing to offer advice. So if this turns out to be crap. I can partially blame all the people who were unwilling to help. But mostly I can blame myself.
Strangely enough my "studio" is going to be a little more productive over the next few days. One of the honoury members has borrowed a PC for the week and is busy producing his first AMV. I don;t know whether to be happy or sad about it. My skills are variable so he's no more likely to sully my reputation than I am. Yet somehow I worry that his style will have an effect on the impression people have of me.
I will try to get a second beta up by the end of the day and the finished version, hopefully, by the end of tomorrow.
Ame there I went!
2004-08-22 15:33:18
Not the best con I've ever been to. I suspect they rushed some of the preperations a little.
In fact I'm sure of it. One of the series shown had only been released by the fansubbers the day before the con and there were no summaries for any of the series being shown. This left me feeling a little confused by all the titles that meant nothing to me.
They hadn't informed the people on the door that they'd said AMVs could be submitted at the door, so I didn't get to enter. I don't know who won the competion, but frankly there was no way all the people queuing to see the contest would even fit in the room.
Whoever won it, well done. It was great and I'm sure you deserved it far more than I would have done.
My offer of opinions for W.I.P ops appears to have fallen on deaf ears. I got one taker and I will be implementing as many of his suggestions as I feel I agree with. Hopefully someone will come up with another one while I'm asleep. (Most of tomorrow I expect)
Ame here I come!
2004-08-20 05:32:02
I've got about an hour and a half before I leave for Amecon, and about ten minutes before the first draft of my new AMV finishes encoding.
If I get a chance I will put it up for beta testing by the good (and bad) folks on the forum. If not I will do so when I return on Monday.
Less than 4 hours of work
2004-08-19 04:01:31
I have 3 hours and forty something minutes until I can leave for my holiday. 12 and a half days of relaxation, in theory. Today I'm driving all afternoon which take up the half day. Tomorrow sees the start of Amecon, which will take three of those days, and while relaxing will probably not feature much in the way of sleep. Which means Monday will be spent in a semi-concious daze. Tuesday Fab will arrive ready for the LAN party, which will stop me from fully enjoying anything until it starts. Saturday Pete will show up and the LAN party will start (Yes, Fab is showing up that early. And yes, that is his real name). Again minimum sleep for two nights and then a day driving home.
I will get back to work relaxed and very, very tired. Shouldn't I be feeling better about the idea of taking just under two weeks off? I should be dancing for joy at the prospect of spending copious amounts of time with my friends... but then I remember who they are.
On a happier note I'm about 75% done on my AMV and have about 20 minutes of possible footage to fill the final 55 seconds. Now I just need to finish it off, probably Monday or Tuesday, and get it uploaded for a few beta tests and hopefully get it on the donut early next month. The stuff I did last night will almost certainly be picked out as needing improvement, I just don't see how to improve it.
This will probably be the last journal entry I make before the con. Possibly the last entry this month. But I will visit the forum to get opinions on the new video when I finish it.
Note to self: Keep lip sync to a minimum
2004-08-18 04:31:43
I finally finished off the lip sync section of my current AMV, and it's only taken me a week. If you look at it another way it's taken me over two weeks but let's not worry about the time spent rebuilding from scratch. I have to say it looks pretty good (It's not but I have to say it).
It's been days since either of my computers suffered a disaster, so I think I'll back up my AMV to the F drive when I go home at lunch time.
I forgot to post my AMV to Amecon so I'll hand it in at the door (which they've said I can) and hope it get shown. 2 days to go, I'll get out of work early tomorrow and drive up to a friend's house in Northampton. There we will meet up with a couple of other people and all four of us will drive up to Leicester, Friday morning (In two cars, not four. It would be one car but Tom and Chris are both too large for the back seat)
I'm either very excited or slightly terrified at the idea of going. It'll only be my second con and the first that I've supplied an AMV for (If I remember the disc) so I'm guessing the latter.
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