bob790 (Robert Green)
As The Sun Slipped Down Behind The Shadow of the Mountain
2004-08-17 04:18:17
The title has little to do with the content of this journal entry. It's actually lyrics from the song I'm using for my AMV. The start of a long run of lip sync, and the only part of the run that I've got to a finalised state.
That said, I've got the actual lip sync finished, so all I need is for some part of my computer to break and lose all of my work. I mean... All I need is to get the scenes underneath it and the effects in place. I'm begining to think it might be worth finding a copy of after effects rather than relying on Premiere to provide. Then I look at the price and stick with Premiere.
I don't know whether this video will be a sucess or a failiure. But it will be one or the other. The effects will look dated by most people's standards and the song clearly sounds dated, but who cares.
4 days to Amecon... AMV burned to CD but not yet posted (I'll have to trust the post office to deliver quickly)
<Insert Title>
2004-08-16 04:43:05
Making slow progress with my AMV. But progress is being made made, which is better than I expected.
I really must get my submission sent off to Amecon, there's less than a week to go. Still that's the way things go.
I should be working. I should be happy. I should be spending less time online. I never seem to do the things I should.
Life goes on... and on ... and on
2004-08-13 04:28:09
I got 4 seconds of my AMV done last night! yay. four completely virgin seconds produced by using my brain for something other than memory and keeping my head from caving in.
On the other hand I usually manage 10 to 20 seconds a night and the four I've done are incomplete. Crap! I feel bad again. I've got an old university friend coming to stay this weekend, so I'll get no work done but I might convince him to enter one of my AMVs at Amecon under his name - curse the rules that say one per person, this is why I claim to be a studio (or a studeo) on my videos no one can prove he didn't help me! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
I've also borrowed an improved mobile storage system... Next week I go from 100Mb per day of AMV downloads to 20Gb of AMV downloads per week. <Insert manical laugh here>.
Like it was before the crash
2004-08-12 05:53:43
I'm now back to the same point in the AMV I was before I lost me hard disk. But it isn't quilte like it was before the crash, in places it's better, in others it doesn't quite gell. I guess I should go back and imporve the bad section before carrying on. (yeah right)
I've got a large section of solid lip syncing to do in the next block of music. But I mentioned that the last time I reached this point... It needs to be done, and it will be done. Probably.
Pretend I posted the completion stats if you like them, don't bother if you don't.
8 days to AmeCon. Entry still not posted.
It's Monday next Wednesday
2004-08-11 04:16:14
I have recreated my AMV back to the state it was last Monday morning. If I'm lucky I'll be back to the crash point by tomorrow morning and can get started on the lip sync and stop feeling sorry for myself (As if *that* will ever happen)
On the spur of the moment I decided to enter an AMV at Amecon. Actually I'd planned to enter one but I didn't know which. I don't expect to win anything, but I hope to at least get my video shown.
Speaking of Amecon... 9 days to go. I doubt I'll finish my AMV before I go, but you never know.
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