JOURNAL: bob790 (Robert Green)

  • I must find another way to relax 2004-08-03 04:14:23 For months now, my main relaxation technique has been to produce AMVs. It's depressing when I think about it. Fortunately I avoid thinking about it most of the time. But this latest AMV is bugging me a little, it's overly complicated (whose fault is that?) and takes all of my time to get anywhere with it.

    Still, it beats self mutilation.

    The section I plan to start tonight looks great in my imagination (I doubt it'll be as good on screen) and was the first idea that lead me to this combination. But, it's twenty seconds of solid lip sync, possibly several people overlaying each other. Then I have to put other scenes underneath and try to make the two work together. I am insane.

    I don't know whether the stats are helpful to anyone, even me but here they are.

    Idea: 66%
    Editing: 41%
    Overall: 42% 
  • As one nightmare ends, another begins. 2004-08-02 04:21:31 My sister came home for a visit this weekend, I probably mentioned it before. We, quite frankly, don't get on. I managed to survive by avoiding her as much as possible (much easier now that I live twenty minutes away, instead of being in the next room) But thankfully she's gone back to Exeter now and I doubt I'll see her again for at least another month.

    But as the title implies not everything is perfect in my life at the moment. I started the AMV from hell on Saturday. The finished product will probably be worth watching and will undoubtably get a star average of 3.5. It's just murder to make it, I rendered 20 seconds of preveiws and it took longer than my entire previous video on a final render. But the effects are needed, I think. I'm also a little PO'd about the lack of a textless opening on the DVDs.

    Idea: 48%
    Editing: 29%
    Overall: 30% 
  • A plan of action 2004-07-29 10:55:36 In theory I'm having a relaxing day off tomorrow, in practice I'm going for a long day out with my family. Oh what fun several hours stuck in a car with my sister. We will both be suffering sleep deprivation and job related stress and we've never got on well at the best of times. I'm 24 I should be over this by now, but I still hate her.

    I somewhat stupidly declared that I was going to make my last AMV the first part of a long term project. I new the other songs that would be needed in order to complete said project. I have however only just chosen which series to use in each of them. Some of the choices are series that I haven't seen, others I only have fansubs for and one I'd never heard of before Sparky suggested it. 
  • The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad 2004-07-29 04:13:45 I meant to start a new AMV last night. I had the DVDs sitting by my computer. I had the computer on with the track playing on repeat. I opened DVDShrink and thought "F*ck it!" so I speant the whole evening watching fansubs and thinking "one more episode, then I'll start"

    All I know for certain is that I haven't started and I won't start tonight. I probably won't get any done tomorrow either. I'm unlikely to devote much time to it over the weekend, particularly if I haven't started it by Friday night. I'm also fairly sure that if I wait until Monday I'll end up doing a completely different AMV from the one I'm preparing for. That may be a good thing.

    Assume the same completion level as yesterday. It was a lie then, it's a lie now. But at least it makes me feel I've made progress. 
  • Wearing someone else's underwear 2004-07-28 04:18:43 A computer is something that adapts to it's user, often they change without any concious effort. I hadn't noticed how much my work computer fitted me until I had to use someone else's. It had speant seven years slowly adapting to the way his mind worked and now I'm trying to use it. It does what I need it to but it isn't mine and likely never will be.

    Back to the subject of AMVs. Why is it than when I first upload a video it gets really high star ratings, but within hours it's dropped to 3.5 - always 3.5 regardless of where it ends up eventually. All the opinions I've had have been positive, no one has left any reason for disliking it, why are you being so mean?

    AAAnyway, tonight I will likely start on my next one and hope that it performs better, not that there's much chance of that if no one will tell me what I'm doing wrong.

    Idea: 100%
    Editing: 100%
    Testing: 100%
    Adjustments: 100%
    Overall: 100%
    Uploading: 100%
    star ratings: 13
    avg star rating: 3.54

    Idea: 5%
    Editing: 0%
    Overall: <0.1% 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:04:15