kyburg (Donna Hutt Stapfer Bell)
The mp3 stuff will have to wait another day...
2002-05-14 14:05:29
Got home at 7:30 - picked up voicemail at 8:30 after fielding too many telemarker calls - and found out my sister was having emergency surgery for a detached retina today. She's in surgery now.
According to what I've been able to gather, she's known there was a problem for almost a month. She's had no sight in that eye for five days.
*takes a deep breath* Okay, I'm going to be a big girl about this.
I worked in an eye surgery scheduling people for this specific emergency. They sent people out to corral one patient once who did not return to the surgey within four hours.
My late husband had two of these surgeries before losing the vision in one eye entirely.
There's a family history - I've been seen by a retinologist *specifically* for this as a preventative measure.
She knew about this.
A month. Five days. She never called me. Never said a word to me.
I can't for the life of me understand why she wouldn't tell me. It's taking all my spare MPS today, guys. Maybe when I've stopped having hysterics, I'll be a reasonable human being again.
But I swear, she probably told all her friends. And no, this is not the first time she's shut me out.
So I'm hurt. Call CNN. Fuggit. This is serious suckage....
Here lizard, lizard, lizard....mwah ha ha....
2002-05-13 17:34:07
/bulletproofvest like the wild wild west/another one bites the dust/
2002-05-13 17:29:20
Has anyone else heard this one off the Queen's Greatest Hits 3+?
Sounds like a mp3 share opportunity - will see what I can do when I get home.
EK- canoeing beats gym suckage. You don't want to know what happened to my sketch pad at the zoo. Actually, it happened even before I left to go to the zoo. Itty bitty kitty. Shoot, and I didn't even get to fucking draw anything in it either.
Then Jim pulls out his old pad and blows me out of the water. "Here honey - use mine. There are some blank pages left in there...somewhere...."
...they were good. They were REAL good...and he doesn't even draw...
And then we got there in time to RUN through the park because it was going to close in two hours.
Art Nazi - no drawing for you!
Amizadai - *adds Lactaid to box of ootsie-cute bandaids* That dorm room must be getting to you --
iser - you're going to ace it. You'll see.
No Spiderman, and if I'm damn good, no Clone Bores either...drat. I think we're the only two people left on the planet that have NOT seen this movie.
What am I doing here at work - the weather is *perfect* for being outside smelling roses. Wish it was Friday again....
Lakers won again. 'Ray.
2002-05-13 12:22:01
mexicanjunior - nyah, nyah, nyah!!
*slaps butt, pulls eyelid, winks and runs away*
It's Mondy and I'm slammed. Something more intelligent later.
EK - I sure hope it was better stuff than I got this weekend.
2002-05-10 17:48:10
amizadai - kawaiiii!!! What are you going to call them? Chocolate and butterscotch? Rum and Coca-Cola? Scratch and Sniff?
We had a mouse here. We called it Osama bin Mouse and hunted him down like the cable chewing little rodent he was...beware. They *like* CATV!!
leastsuspected - *applauds* Did you wear anything crazy to your commencement? I wore a cowboy hat. No joke. Chickened out when it came time to walk, though.
Kusayaro - had pho today in your honor. That, and tired of catfish.
EK - *whimper* make it go awaaaaayy....
Live Journal. The virtual slam book. Come back and get silly with me.
Machine - I have a picture someplace that I took of David Copperfield when I was interning at KNBC in 1983 - got to meet him while we were shooting the Sunday Show on location in at Pepperdine University in Malibu. In the rain.
Sweet, mild-mannered and oh so bishy ^^; Oh mamma!
I suck at tests, no matter how well I know the material. You got it in one.
Got the first two DVDs of Love Hina - I don't care who I tell. This series (which I had been warned off of) just .. is wonderful. I love it. It's no EVA or Cowboy Bebop - but it reminds us of what we like about five other anime series and manages to retain its own sweetness and identity in spite of it. The opening theme sucks rice balls through a coffee stirrer (chalk on a blackboaaaaard!) but the character designs are lovely - the animation is smooth and fluid (particularly the slapstick) and I love the writing.
I'm going back to TN the weekend of Jacon. I'm going to do my best not to remind myself of it. I've paid my dues, er, registration for Anime-Expo, so I'll be and 10,000 of my closest friends. Ugh. This is really, REALLY getting to be too big for me.
Beginning to get the Yu Yu Hakusho TV series in on DVD - but #2 came while #1 is still on the way, and I want to start Jim out right.
Oh yeah - he's out here. You DBZ guys can just go have a nice little chat over in the corner...I'll be back. Oh no, dear, I don't need have a good time. *sneaks away*
Golden Donut, I have not forsaken you - still collecting data.
Current server time: Jan 31, 2025 09:59:36