JOURNAL: kyburg (Donna Hutt Stapfer Bell)

  • Too Funny, Ku - 2002-05-03 14:08:56 Kusayaro - giggled in spite of myself. Two forks, huh? Just for kicks and giggles, I ought to take a set in for catfish at the Cajun place this afternoon and see what they do.

    And yes, I can eat red beans and rice with chopsticks. No brainer. 
  • Propaganda... 2002-05-03 12:14:20 Hey, iserlohn - I've got the perfect spin for your paper.

    You've found that the people running the propaganda machine during WWII in Germany looked back at what the early filmmakers in Russia did following the communist revolution, right? Go dig some references up on Eisenstein....

    Take that, add what you know about the work done during WWII (and add some of what we did on top, we weren't slouches either - check out that Civil Defense History site from the BBT forum ..lessee.. and then...for the corker...

    Go and see if you can get a copy of that memorial service they did for the World Trade Center after 9/11 - CNN televised it, remember? I sure hope someone has a copy...

    I remember huddling on the couch with Jim (we did a lot of that, post 9/11) and being swept away...but a part of my mind was going "gee, all the elements are there...the flag waving, the figureheads on the podium, the speeches...."

    That ought to get the message across. 
  • For Posterity... 2002-05-02 19:01:45 Here's the site that gave us the award: 
  • Linux tools you can't live without 2002-05-02 13:36:15 Sylpheed for email:

    Crossover for everything you can do in Windows:

    VMware for all the other things you can't run in Linux/Unix:

  • So much many little brain 2002-05-02 13:18:29 Checking the journals...I'm avoiding the Forums like the plague...when I reach three people who need a response, I stop and open a new window. Now, to flip between them --

    EK -- you got to trade this stuff when you were in high school? JFC - all I can say is that it was a great time to be in high school. If I so much as got to *see* a postage stamp from Japan, I was doing well. *thinks about high school* I tried to have pen pals...I really did. I was taking French with the AFC sponsor for our school, and sent lots of letters...but nobody every responded. Why, I've given up on -- but there was no internet, and using the phone was completely OUT. Letters...or nothing. Lotta nothing. I used to live for when the postman came around...noon, or fifteen minutes past. No kidding.

    Thanks so much for the mp3 - and the suggestion on getting the Angel piece - which version are you referring to? I'm building quite a respectable playlist here at work - which is nice.

    darkside (ang) - go see your comments on the endless1.mpg you've got available for download. One word - exceptional. I'm looking forward to seeing your other stuff...and I'm forwarding this one to a little Gundam expert I know - she will love it.

    Bowler - Every time I read a journal entry of yours, I shake my head and wonder what's keeping you. Tell you what. I'll do a Jade, you do a Jade and we can compare and wish - because the character design they have for her now is for a 10 year old with hydrocephaly.

    *laughs* I'm dragging Jim and I to the gym for the same reason. Keep in mind I've been this tall and 95 lbs. (that's at commencement in 1984 from getting my B.S. in Communications) - and that was 40 lbs. *under* the recommended weight for my height. Uh, how much over am I? Both Jim and I need to lose 30 lbs. It's not ugly yet - but I have no intention of getting ugly. *grump*

    Ditch the greens and rice cakes - just watch the portions and get at least three hours of cardiovascular stuff in a week - you did *exactly* what Jim did the first night we went - and he just about fell over. Baka. Slow and steady...and don't forget to break in first.

    You want a pair of rollerskates?

    iserlohn - Surely, I can come up with some references - even if they're almost twenty years old - this was my forte, after all. I don't think things have changed a great deal on Nazi Propaganda. However, you might try to spin this a bit on how much attention has been given to various governments who collaborated with the Switzerland. I could probably dig up some former Nazi Youth members, too if you'd like to interview them. What have you found to be most useful?

    *chuckles* I DID this paper myself. Let's compare notes. You've gone and examined the documentary films of that period, haven't you? I sure hope so...they're dynamite.

    As for writing...go to my fan fic site, examine the Amazon book links and find the "Elements of Style" link - this will save your ass. Just keep it handy while putting your lesson together and refer often. Follow the diagrams - you can't lose. (Also speaking from experience...and I used to tutor engineering students for Technical Writing.) I'm not saying you should buy the book - if your library doesn't have multiple copies, someone ought to donate them. It's a tool like having a hammer.

    Kusoyaro - I'm having Pho today in your honor.

    StudioKZ - look for me and Jim on Live Journal under (what else) kyburg and uncle_jimbo - we'll look for you. EK, if you're on that thing...and don't want to be found...okay...but if not, where are you?

    Talk about addictive...I knew I liked people (you don't write about them if you hate them, that's for sure), but this is terrible. But then again, I knew this was going to be a bad idea. I think I traded Azure Dreams for Live Journal. *thinks* 108 days, some hours, etc. - uh, no. I can at least point to my name in print.

    RichLather - you're not the oldest one here. That does not mean I'm old enough to be anyone's parent, here -- but I'm sure Tony Bennett is breathing easier too.

    I can download again! See the list of Linux tools one can't live without later in this post...

    MexicanJunior - Kid Frost? Sounds good to me...can I have some too?

    tetzlaff - Welcome to California. Welcome to Santa Monica. They were waiting for you, newbie. No kidding. Another tip - *always* wait for a pedestrian walk sign, even if the light is green and you missed hitting the button before the light changed. You'll get "pulled over" and ticketed for that too. Someone has to pay for the sunshine.

    treeprincess - wishing you a happy homewarming.

    Now to my crap --

    Fuck me. The wedding site has won an award and we didn't even enter it. is the Destination Wedding site for May, 2002 as chosen by the Destination Wedding web site. They even cleaned up the photograph and we look mahrvelous....roll me over and fuck me again. Neither one of us have ever won a single award...and this is two of them in a row.

    And watch Geocities shut down the site every hour on the hour because we've exceeded bandwidth. Again. And again...crap, we have got to get this stuff moved over to short on time was I yesterday? I got a package from Amazon and it's still in the bad, unopened.

    Who wants to join me for a beer in Dallas? If I play my cards right, I can get us to TN for the next visit by changing planes there - and extending the layover to my advantage.

    Noodle central - see ya!
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