kyburg (Donna Hutt Stapfer Bell)
I can relate...
2002-04-26 14:10:50
Quu - Dive Devil at Six Flags. Anything to blow that memory into long-term storage. A pint just might begin to cut it.
*spit take*
2002-04-25 15:28:27
Hsien - that's Phade?! I think I'll wait until I can put a link up to some photos of my own - JFC, you were eating off the tiles from my front door entryway to boot!
ID & treeprincess - You are just too cute. I mean it. My sister still hits me when I'm that cute around Jim - and we met long-distance too. Good luck to you!
Shit, I need food. Too much coffee.
Substitute Journal Entry Here --
2002-04-25 15:04:28
EK is back - I have five browser windows open and my bookmark file is expanding at a gigantic rate - dead giveaway.
Not one lousy picture of the red dress. Not one yet. *chuckles*
Today is the last day of the Skechers Employee Days - that's 50% off everything in the store when I show up, and I plan to make as free as I can with it. Tonight, it's Brea with my sister -- but I already picked up a pair of Michelle K sandals with 4" heels - gawd, I am HOOGE in them! Keep in mind, I was married to someone 1" shorter than me for a long long time - now, my fella is almost a foot taller and I'm still adjusting.
With these, I can just about kick his ass. ^^ HOOGE, I tell you. For my next trick, not tripping and killing myself. Stay tuned.
The boss bought the editing machine from God - and gee whiz, it had Premiere pre-loaded on it, wouldn't ya know. And he's been bringing in video clips by the buttload to show off his new baby. Oh, the humanity. T_T I'm just waiting for a good opportunity to show him Pokemon Bitches -- maybe after we "find" the beer again.
I am so envious - but at least I can keep a sense of humor about it. So far. *wink*
Amizadai - I've built a journal over at and I think you ought to come over and visit - and anyone else, if you want. You all know the handle. But for you, I'm going to ask a bud for another number. You're going to love it.
StudioKZ - HE'S HOOOME!!! Welcome home - welcome home - welcome home. Sorry we were not able to dunk you in the Log Ride at Dizzyland, but you've got a raincheck whenever you want to use it.
Silver is coming for Anime Expo and says I should go. Finally, someone who wants me to show up - does anyone want a beach party?
And there is a Skechers outlet right there in Long Beach - anyone wants shoes, it's 25% anytime I show up. *laughs harder* Wonder what I can get in trade for shoes...corner me and let me tell you the tales Loss Prevention has passed along to me. Particularly the Britney Spears ones. Honto.
Bowler - no pictures of you either, drat it - and waiting for your sample reel.
And so glad the site is back -
Phade? Phade?
2002-04-24 18:47:58
I like toast, but I don't like being toast...
...and again
2002-04-16 13:24:45
We won third place in the Ranma Fanfiction Awards. Oh mi gahd.
Current server time: Jan 31, 2025 20:57:01