kyburg (Donna Hutt Stapfer Bell)
2002-04-11 14:56:07
Wow, shit really does hit the fan....
Jogging my memory is a terrible thing to do.
2002-04-11 12:02:50
Note to self: Get Happy. Green Acres.
Terri is going to kill me.
*dances down hall like Judy Garland*
And now that the random stupidity is over...
2002-04-11 10:14:48
Well, maybe not.
Surely, I'm not the only one who remembers the video someone did for Quantum Leap to "You Can Call Me AL," am I?
*bangs head on counter*
Okay, I'm better now.
No web, no internet - unless you had usenet knowledge. You posted on Prodigy, GEnie, CompuServe and this itty bitty company called America Online....
And it was made with two VCRs and a stopwatch.
Computers were 386s - the 486s were the newest, latest and greatest and nobody had a bigger monitor than 15."
Digital Capture? Bwaah hahaha.
Okay, so I googled myself. Well, you can find my sites now. So I googled Stapfer by itself. Nothing in English - all German and in Switzerland. No surprise there either. Hutt Pharmacy (hey, did anyone in the world remember my Dad?) - yeah, hits - all in New Zealand. I guess there's a Hutt Valley there.
I am totally without image capture/manipulation tools here - go google "Dumb Motherfucker" again - but also do it's corollary - "Smart Motherfucker" - it turns up Abraham Lincoln and Star Wars.
KoHD soundtrack was here when I got back (look, Donna got chocolate in the mail! >_<) - wow, what a mix. And yeah, that first track is just plain silly. What the heck is that all about, anyway?
Next Anime Blasters release of Weiss Kreuz also arrived - and yeah, again, everything I've been told about - sucky at times animation, though the artwork models are wonderful - and one of the worst scripts I've ever seen. They ripped off an email hoax, fer crissakes!
But I love the music and shake my head in amusement at the angst, sturm and drang these guys can put out.
It was late in the evening...and I blew that room awaaay!
2002-04-11 09:42:15
God, I got to go get that CD for the ride in tomorrow...thanks, EK!
More random silliness? *&^%@! sparrows took a crap on me this morning!
Something new has been added....
2002-04-10 16:27:42
Remember those beach bum squirrels? Try beach bum possums. I swear, I didn't bring it back with me!
Also, the thought crossed my mind - when I went to San Francisco, I brought back a latte mug full of chocolate. What did I bring back from Oak Ridge?
Shot glass.
Yup, that about sums it up.
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