kyburg (Donna Hutt Stapfer Bell)
I need to reciprocate...
2002-05-21 17:15:53
Some of the good mp3 stuff people have been putting here.
But what do I have in my collection that is both odd enough and good enough to put here?
The Barry Manilow/Lily Tomlin duet?
C.W. McCall environmental protest songs?
The Cockroach That Ate Cincinatti?
Hmm. There are also some lovely instrumental pieces I picked up in Switzerland and Idyllwild....
Sunday Goodness
2002-05-19 14:19:15
Also disguised as do your laundry day.
Spent all day walking in a gorgeous garden yesterday with good friends and lizards. All good. All damn good.
No pictures or sketches to show for it. Next time, go alone at my own pace. *nods* Yup.
Bowler - Thanks. I knew I wasn't imagining something odd. But explaining it was just beyond my knowledge of the art.
iserlon - what did you get on the paper? And good thoughts your way on finding a place - I moved 14 times while I was in school (6 years, it took) and I still get a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach when I have to move. And I haven't done it in ten years and I still hate it.
Kusayaro - Vegas, baby. We'll go for any damn good reason.
Video news - I can go buy another part of the super system. Yaaay.
Chibi Fett. Chibi Stormtroopers.
2002-05-17 13:14:30
There. That isn't a spoiler, I hope.
Yeah, I got to the theater last night and saw it. Color me totally surprised. Didn't even have to wait in line - is that a first or what?
Bowler - YES. Motion. Something definitely amiss with the CGI while things were moving - where? Where there were large groups of "live" things - droids, not speeders, critters, not ships - moving against moving backgrounds.
If I look at the ceiling and get vertigo, something is wrong.
It just didn't come off -
My review? Anakin is badly cast. It's not that the actor was bad or the script was totally awful...this time, it's the wrong person in the wrong role.
And I mentioned the vertigo.
Total score - 8 out of 10. I gave points for the American Graffitti references.
KUSAYARO - Las Vegas? Next weekend? We're there! We're there! Email me at once - we can meet you there, no problem! *bounce bounce*
**runs off to find pho in Vegas**
Los Angeles Food...Bentooooo
2002-05-16 18:18:03
There's Nothing In Taiwan I Need
2002-05-16 17:38:28
Thus, you all have spoken. Or not. Something. *chuckles*
I have Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and a fresh, piping hot latte -- and you don't. Nyah.
That, and a mp3 from EK -- oh thank you! Life is thus good.
I figure I can get in to see Spiderman tonight - what do you think? And no, I can't be spoiled - tell me anything about AotC if you can't hold it in anymore. ^^
Direct cross-post from Live Journal (neat stuff I stumble across at times...). Kind of a instruction manual on what you can expect out of me - will have to thank the two people who came up with it - and I'll add a few comments at the end:
1. I want to be there for and to help people. I genuinely hate to see people hurting. This does not mean I will put up with anything or everything... at least not anymore. I have decided to only help people who want to be helped. I will offer my help once if I think it might be needed. If a person declines my help or refuses to show progress after accepting it, then their destiny is in their hands. I will not stick around to keep letting them slap my hands away. If someone needs or wants help, they can also come to me for it. If you need or want me, I'm here. If you don't, don't bitch.
2. If you have a suggestion to offer me, it has more of a chance of being appreciated and considered if it is presented as positive advice or constructive criticism. If you feel the need to make suggestions about how you think I should be living my life or what's "wrong" with me, by all means do but don't expect me to agree with your analysis of who or what I am. Nor should you expect me to bend to your view of how I should act, or why I act a certain way.
2a. If I come to you for advice, it means I'm looking to hear a different perspective. Nothing more, nothing less.
2b. If I come to you for comfort, it generally means I'm not interested in advice at the moment. I'll let you know if I want advice.
3. I don't like drama. Drama belongs on the stage or while in costume at Ren Faire. If you have a problem, please say so. Don't blow it out of proportion, hide it or pretend it doesn't exist.
4. I have feelings. I cannot turn them off. Even if I could, doing so would be unhealthy. I try to be respectful of others' feelings and appreciate it when others are respectful of mine. Note that this does not in any way exclude the use of brutal honesty when giving advice. Common courtesy and consideration is all that is asked for.
5. If you don't like who I am, if you can't deal with the way I do things, if you don't want to take the time to get to know me and understand me, if you can't accept that I'm in the process of growing and learning and discovering myself and the world around me, then maybe you should ask yourself why you want to be my friend.
What does Sis do when she's working part-time? She's a Social Worker in the Hospice Department at Kaiser Permanente. What did she do before that? She worked for San Bernardino County's Department of Child Services - with dual-diagnosed women who had children. Dual-diagnosed. Okay - that's someone with a real mental illness who is doing illegal drugs. They're in Sis' office because she has their kids. Clear as mud?
I remember her three rules to Getting Along With Me from when she did that job:
1. Don't fuck with me.
2. Don't fuck with your kids.
3. Don't fuck with yourself.
Hey, where did you think I learned it? She hits, too! (Think Akane Tendo with a Masters in Social Work.)
I'll get mine back, no worries. Thank God I have a short pain memory, even if I'm not made of wood.
And I finally got my beer.
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